First day back after missing 8 days, caught up on all my work, oh yeah.
Funniest day in so long too, one of my mates came to school with a story... i'll repeat it here as it had everyone including my withered old english teacher in tears.
Okay, so my friend Tom... he can be really silly sometimes. He is the type that leaves his bag at home, the type that everyone bags out jokingly (but we all love him, he is awesome).
Anyway, he comes to school today telling us about how on Saturday morning he went into woolies to buy some hair gel. So he goes in right, picks up a bottle of what he thinks is hair gel, gillete branded... he brought in the bottle to show us.
So he takes this $7 bottle of "hair gel" home and heads to the bathroom and starts applying it... only to discover it isn't holding his hair, buy why? He isn't sure so he puts more and more on thinking he was doing it wrong.
That is, until he reads the bottle properly. "Gillete smooth ice... ANTI PERSPIRANT".
He put this gel style deodorant in his hair. All through it.
Fucking funniest moment in so long when he said that, we just pictured his face as he came to the realisation that he just put deodorant all through his hair, ah, Tom is great. All day we were coming up behind him and taking a long sniff of his hair and telling him it smelt good, hahahah.
To be fair, it did look like hair gel, since when do they make deodorant in gel form? Since then I have been relaying the story to everyone and it just keeps getting funnier and funnier, a few people have asked why the hell would he spray a can of BRUT through his hair before I explained it... that image is hilarious too.