Today, 'twas just ok; everything's fairly 'meh'.
Four-period day; four-period days tend to be uneventful and boring day, but most days are like that.
*Physics, for me, was first and an activity regarding types of circuits was performed.
*English, which was second, was pretty 'retarded', what with people shouting "free period!" for no meaningful reason; ultimately, the partial reading of the first scene in 'Othello' was done.
*Third was Chemistry which was a riot.
*Fourth was Maths.
I only go to school for Maths and sciences questions and for study in the morning in the library/senior study and lunch/recess breaks when I feel like it.
Sport - the running around, or rather walking, on a gusty nigh-0 centigrade day - ensued.
It came to me in yet another epiphany; the significance, or lack thereof, of words and their meanings, the paying heed to things and apathy, friendship, and the nature of life. Again, me the cynical 'asshat'. Or, my perceived lack of acceptance... or, lack of flooded inboxes. =p
No seriously, though; that wasn't intended to sound jokingly at the slightest. (Nor comical, for that matter.)
Someone hijacked this account? What? Okay. Whatever. Nooo (in a *scowl*-like manner.) I recall reading undalay post something about this. I don't know whether I care or not and a good reason why I should remain, if this has been haxxed.
Holidays were squandered; nothing was achieved, let alone done. Perhaps only regret remains.