your post was one of the most positive on here, you would only want pics if she was hot, so you're telling her she's hot
*sigh of relief* I thought it was too preachy or cliched or something but I had to get it off my chest [as is the reason for the rest of this post, so stop reading here] because I am sick of people bringing other people down so bringing your own self down is even worse! More personally, I am sick of being an analyser that takes every comment and breaks it to tiny pieces, even if the comments are good or lighthearted, I wonder if there is a hidden meaning, or sometimes I pick up on the meaning and feel bad that I should be doing something differently when in reality I know why I am doing things the way I am, I know in the long run I am getting the result I wanted, I know some people live lives where all they want to do is be cool and they don't see past that but most of all know I didn't have a different choice at that particular time because of the circumstances and that's just the way it is. Quite simply don't tell me what to do.