It doesn't matter. You won't be able to tell.
1. University is dodgy and they don't give back final exams.
2. The School of Maths at UNSW is retarded. Have you seen a UNSW maths final exam? They don't tell you how many marks each question is worth. I have heard from a few people that the marks each question is worth is not determined prior to the exam. Apparently, if a lot of people get a particular part of a question correct, it is given a high mark value. Also, if only a few people get a particular part correct, it is given a relatively low mark value (given the difficulty of the question). It seems very counterintuitive. You would think that something that was percieved to be harder should be worth more marks, but I guess they want to keep everyone's mark fairly equal. The school of maths must just be absolutely retarded.
They don't even tell you the mark breakdown so you can know how to manage your time. If you have 5 minutes left and can only do one question, how are you going to know which one to do?