The 2010-2011 HSC examination format sounds great. I'm also looking forward to the new Legal Studies course first introduced to NSW Year 11 in 2010 and first examined for the HSC in 2011. I decided to do Legal instead of PDHPE. 
This has been known for well over a year now. It was first muted in mid-2008 and the official notifications came in early 2009 so if you haven't been told it is your teacher who hasn't kept up to date.Wait, WHAT?!!
Source analysis for Modern is GONE?!
They're introducing MULTIPLE CHOICE?!
Why didn't my teacher tell me this?
Our first yr 12 Mod assessment was in the format of source analysis + use the sources and your own knowledge for WW1 O_O. We've never done multiple choice for Mod O_O.
-goes off to hunt on board of studies for more information on this horrible meddling with the syllabus-
EDIT//: Just looked up the new syllabus. The 10marker source analysis + own knowledge question is sort of still there - it's just that they've broken it up into 2 mini questions and shoved them in the middle of some multiple choice O_O.
This is a really weird format O_O. I don't think it's really fair for them to put it into effect the same year they announce it - we've all trained ourselves to get used to the old format. Oh well, whining about it isn't going to change anything now. Shall just have to get used to it and go with the flow.
Ah, no wonder, lol.Most kids write three pages (ie, me) because we see the booklet that you get for options (which is 8 pages), and we feel real insecure that we tend to try to write as much as possible. Add this to the fact that most kids' handwriting get bigger in exams, and the fact that Chemistry/Physics usually comes after all your English exams, and you'll find that you'll get to 3 pages quite easily.![]()
phew...i was bit worried there lolThey are going to give you a guide as to how much to write for a full mark response but you will still be able to write as much as you want and if you exceed the page/word count you will not be penalised.
There is no way that the markers are going to have to count words.
Of course, when the HSC goes online, which is being suggested for 2012, a word count might come into it but that is still a couple of years ago.