For the Change essay, how many techniques are people doing for each text? I wrote one technique per text in the trial and barely completed the essay in 40 minutes. I got 10/15.. should I stick with one or go for two?
1 techn.. per text is not nearly enough! i did about 3 and even that wasn't enough!! i know what u mean, i don't know how i'm gonna finish the essay in time!
i dont know how many techniques... i dont plan it its just whatever comes and whatever suits what im saying... we have to talk about AT LEAST 6 texts in our change essay and some i may only mention 1 how another the whole paragraph will be how... but it is not enough by any means to just use one technique per thing mentioning a metaphor or alliteration or something because the whole point of change is the HOW
ohh and im like hipsta... i write 4 pages... thats my usual in 40 minutes... thats if i write pretty much non stop- my hand physically wont allow me to write more