We've got an in-class essay coming up, and we've got to remember a few quotes. Any techniques that you'd like to share? I think I might speak them out a lot, or acronyms? Thanks everyone.
Just keep reading over them, they'll become really familiar and you'll probably remember them for quite some time!
If you find it hard to memorise things, you could try writing them on small cards and read them throughout the day; when you've semi-memorised it, try and recite it before you sleep, when you're walking home..etc.
Write them on a large sheet of card, and tack them to the ceiling above your bed. Glow in the dark pen on black card works great.
When you go ni ni, you'll have nothing to do but to read them. It works, I use to do the same thing with chemistry notes.
If you start preparing early, I recommend typing them up and sticking them on the other side of the glass in the shower, or the back of the toilet door, or other places like that. It may sound stupid but it does help.