Ahhh I was "too imature". lol. Well thats what she said anyways.
The thing that ended it was a "free entry pass" to one of the clubs in my area. LOL fucked I know. I thought I was joking around by consistly anyoying her about this pass, like I honistly couldnt give a fuck about it but she thought I was fully serious.
Long story, so thats not all of it, other parts include me telling her I just wanted 2 be mates when its not what I ment, another time I got on the flippers n she wasnt impressed. Shouldnt have told her, but I guess I just had 2 tell her the truth lol.
But the pass was the final straw if you like, that ended it.
Im already sorta over it because I found on her friends myspace a short comment sayin sumthin like "i broke it off. best ever lol"
I can only guess she was talking about me but who knows.