I am an expert bro!
So, firstly! Find a plain empty table, with only you notes you need for you exam!
Then secondly, set up timetable, read you notes, read them again, say it aloud, then after that try to teach it to someone, for example, act like a teacher, teaching the class!
Thirdly, grab past papers, then atleast 2 past papers, once you have then them, if you got stuck on any question, or you seem to not understand a dot-point, look at the syllabus, then pay close attention, if you notes answer it will, then memorize that very well. Then put a red mark, that you understood that dotpoint, so when you see that question in a similar, paper you can, do it perfectly.
Always, stay positive, think smart, never ever, think it si the end of the world, even those smart kids, including my self, have trouble at times, understanding some stuff, so the story here is, to stay calm, just chill, relax, take a deep breath, study hard!
Never Never give up, I remember my brother last year got shit ranks in his first chemistry assignment, ( his rank dropped about 50 position down), although he was very smart, he kept working hard, guess what he come first in all you subjects at his school Sydney boys, got 99.95 Atar and 100 in Umat, becasue he worked hard, throughout the year! Never give up, plus got a scholarship, now he is doing medicine.
I know were you coming from, mat! It is hard at times trying to study, in this small amount of time, doing you best, that is what matters!