i used to do pretty much exactly what you're doing! my excuse is i barely studied until the month before hsc exams so i didnt know any better when it came to uni. so first semester i fell very behind

you'll need to change this habit now if you're finding it too time consuming. you dont need to write ANY notes to learn something. the time you're taking to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard could be spent doing at least twice the amount of reading. im doing science so maybe it's different but what i do is:
- read the lecture notes before the lecture if they're available (if not then find what the subject will be and read the textbook or whatever)
- during lectures just sit back relax and pay attention
- answer tute questions before the tute
- if you come across something you dont understand, read the textbook or online until you understand it. practice learning in your mind instead of having to write it down if that makes sense
for exams i do past papers, look over tute questions, read, watch lectures again and make sure i know everything. while doing past papers i might make a sheet of notes if i have to remember formulas or if i see recurring questions that i need to remember how to answer. but that's it :3 and that took me from p,p,c,hd studying 24/7 to c,c,d,hd being a bit lazier than i should have been. oh yeah and a weekly study plan helps too if you dont have one. those r my studyin tipz