Loved every bit of it. I thought that the extended response question in the core and Introduced Species were awesome. I think they got to the important parts of the course there.

Plus, in the Introduced Species I got to bag out European Settlement for ages. Hehe. And I was so glad that the 7 marker wasn't about the evolution of the Australian continent. Oh, my relationship with that topic <3 I forgot everything about mine site rehabilitation and I wasn't too sure about the earthquake and buildings and stuff. The MC question about the fossils in a cambrian rock bed annoyed the crap out of me. I think it was A. Was tricky. Respect the board of studies for that.
For the option, where it said to organise the data in a 'more scientific way' what did you guys do? I was tossing up between a table and a column graph. Did a column graph. Wasn't sure :/
I kept writing till the end. And in extra booklets

While all of my classmates, a grand total of 3, left by the 2 hour mark. Damn supervisors were glaring at me the whole last hour.
And TheWolfsLunch, how the hell do you have 17 Enviro students? Geez.
Umm im planning and really want to go to MAC UNI! cause it closest to my house and the campus and science labs are really nice and modern as well!! if i get into syd ill prob just choose mac cause for me travel time will be a bitch as in 2hrs ish one way! omg! i will die! my maths isnt crash hot. im only average at it.
what about you? which uni are u going to!?
I'LL SEE YOU THERE!! Love Macquarie. Probably be doing B Environment and B Laws, or B Science and B Laws.

Or I'll do some sort of Science, like B Advanced Science at Usyd. I totally want to do Environmental Science , but I'm afraid I wont get a job. :'( Oh well, there's always being a science teacher