I prepared for this by making a list of things to do post-HSC.
I thought about it, but didn't do it. I have NO fkn idea what I wanted to do... I had such a big list in my head during the HSC... now it's all gone.
hmmm should go back to that...
why on earth would you want to make your holidays more productive?
Chillax, laze, kick back..do nothing. I mean we worked our butts off for the HSC, time for a
That's what I honestly thought during the HSC. I just wanted to do NOTHING at all. Now I'm screaming for something to do ==; FKKARKARKKKKKKKKKK
Gaming man
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH this is basically what I do BECAUSE I have nothing else to do ==. Steam hours rose so gdam high in the past few weeks than it has ever in my life. Not that I want to do it, I get bored of it but I have nothing else to do...
Yeah basically have to find some kind of hobby that takes up your time that you wont ever have when we get back to study in Uni
I was gna take up some sort of Video Media editting stuff but I just cant be fucked to order my new comp which I was meant to last month ==;
Oh and you could go on holidays for a week or something? Oh wait you have work lol.. dw about that.
At least I'll be going overseas for 6 weeks soon

Some course which will help me with learning a bit more of my background language

But in the end if you have basically nothing to do still, I'd suggest movies or TV series. Watch the entire Friends series or something. Something that would kill your time so fast...