Homosexuality in Australia (2 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 26, 2008


Dec 27, 2009
Regardless of what the bible says, the bible should not be the deciding factor in equal rights. Nor should individual prejudices against gay people. All people should have equal rights to marry the one (only one, remember how lots of bible characters have several wives?) person they love the most and not be stopped legally or otherwise by other people.
Homosexual activists argue that marriage is a construct of the State that can be defined in any manner the State chooses. They say marriage is about the public union of two people who wish to affirm their love and commitment to one another in a public, official manner. What's interesting is the limitation of this definition. Where does the idea of two come from? Why not three or four? And where do we get the idea that love is the foundation of marriage? Who decided that? Nowhere in the history of the world has love been the basis of marriage. What happened to procreation as the basis of, and reason for marriage?

If marriage is a construct of the State, and the basis of marriage is love and commitment, then there is no principled reason to prohibit group or incestual marriages. Clearly this is not being argued by the State. They still want marriage to mean something in particular, but they want to define what that particular something is.

To demonstrate the insensibility of sanctioning same-sex unions as "marriage" consider the following point made by Francis Beckwith: Just because you can eat an ashtray doesn't make it food. Food is not determined by what you put in your mouth, but by the nature of the substance itself, and the types of things the body is designed to consume and use. Just because two homosexuals pledge the vows of marriage does not make it a marriage. Marriage is something in particular. Homosexuality is not congruent with the nature and purpose of marriage, and therefore we should not call same-sex relationships "marriage," nor give homosexuals the same rights/benefits we give to heterosexual unions.

Anything else is unfair. If any couple is willing to commit to a marriage contract, let them. It is not the job of a state or nation to determine who is 'right' to get married. If they could, they wouldn't give out 2/3rds of marriage certificates.

Do you accept group marriages, incestual marriage, marriages with animals, etc? No? Then we are both the kind of people who restrict marriage. The question is whether or not our restrictions are principled or arbitrary in nature.
1. I addressed all of the bible verses. So saying it's easier to say the bible endorses pedophilia (which it kinda does if it allows young girls to be married to older men) is beyond a joke.

I never said it actually endorses pedophillia, because we both know it doesn’t. I said that it would be easier to argue than that it supports gay unions.
Did you read my post regarding this? If you did you would know that even if you incoinclusively proved that none of the 6-7 Bible passages actually refer to serious life long homosexual relationships (which you haven't for any of them but w/e) then that still doesn't demonstrate that it is acceptable behaviour.

The strongest evidence that suggests that homosexual unions are not equal to heterosexual unions in the Bible etc. is about what is not written, not what is written. You can’t dismiss 6-7 Bible veses simply because you disagree with them, and think that the translator was a latent homophobe. Even if say, Romans was found as to not referring to homosexuality, the other 6 or so, would make up for that.

Once again, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve; with this in mind, and the command to “go forth and be fruitful” where do homosexual unions fit in? There doesn’t seem to be a place for them at all, in either marriage or sex. Furthermore there is not a single homosexual union described in a positive light, throughout the whole of scripture, if they were trully equal to that of heterosexuals, then why is this the case?

2. I didn't mention global warming. "Keep to the subject!"
It was an analogy xD

3. Actually...
Ruth and Naomi
The Book of Ruth is a romantic novel but not about romance between Ruth and Boaz. Naomi is actually the central character, and Ruth is the "redeemer/hero." Boaz' relationship with Ruth, far from being romantic, is a matter of family duty and property.

This story contains the most moving promise of relational fidelity between two persons in all of the bible: "And Ruth said, 'Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whether thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God". (Ruth 1:16)

Although used in heterosexual marriage ceremonies for years, this is a vow between two women! When their husbands die in battle, Ruth makes this vow to Naomi, her mother-in-law. Ruth marries Boaz, a close relative, and redeems Naomi's place in her own family, also bearing a child for Naomi. Did Ruth and Naomi have a lesbian relationship? There's no way to know, but it is clear the two women had a lifelong, passionate, committed relationship celebrated in Scripture.

Lol... Ruth is Naomi’s daughter in law, not her lesbian GF.

Naomi’s husband (Elimelech) died and so did the husbands (her sons; Mahlon and Kilion) of Naomi and Orpah.

FFS Lol, go read Ruth (it’s a really small book) and tell me it has any references at all to a homosexual affair between Ruth and Naomi. It is actually a ridiculous suggestion.

Ruth 1:8
Then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go back, each of you, to your mother’s home. May the LORD show kindness to you, as you have shown to your dead and to me. May the LORD grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband”.

Naomi doesn’t want Ruth to go with her. She wants her to find a husband and be happy again. Ruth insists on following Naomi however, where she later meets Boaz (a guy) and they marry.

There is nothing at all to suggest that there was any lesbian affair going on, like actually nothing.

United in a Covenant of Love…David and Jonathan
Another story, that of David and Jonathan, occurs in a time when male warrior/lovers were common and considered noble.
This tragic triangle of passion, jealousy and political intrigue between Saul, Jonathan and David, leads to one of the most direct expressions of same-sex love in the Bible: "I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me. Your love to me was more wonderful than the love of women." (II Samuel 1:26)

The author is clearly attuned to David's classic male beauty (I Samuel 16:12) in this story of love and loyalty marked by romance (I Samuel 18:1-5), secret meetings (I Samuel 20:1-23; 35-42), kissing and weeping (I Samuel 20:41), refusal to eat (I Samuel 28:32-34), and the explicit warrior/lover covenant which David keeps after Jonathan's death (I Samuel 20:12-17; 42).
One cannot read this account without discerning that Jonathan was the love of David's life. Centuries of homophobic Biblical interpretations have kept them in the closet too long!
Metropolitan Community Churches | Our Story Too

This is laughable. David had many female wives (one of which was Jonathans brother and Saul’s daughter, Michal). If anything he was bi, but this is irrelevant because David is never described as having sex with Jonathan.

Sam 16:12 reads;
...He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.
One hardly has to have a homosexual inclination to observe handsomeness in people of the same gender. Girls can identify each other as pretty or beautiful without being sexually attracted to them, the same goes for men, but I digress.

Furthermore there is nothing wrong with David and Jonathan loving each other and kissing or w/e in each other’s arms. No-where in the Bible is love for another of the same sex ever described as a sin. From what is presented by the Bible, neither of them is guilty of the sin as first described in the holiness code and elsewhere in the Bible, of a man lying with another man as he would a women.

“Your love for me is was wonderful, more wonderful than that of a women”, there is no reference at all to sex at all. The sin surrounding homosexuality is the physical abusing of sex for reasons with which it was not intended. The Bible doesn’t describe David or Jonathan as committing this sin at all. It would appear David and Jonathan were able to express their love for each other without having to revert to the sinful and carnal.

5. Way to taint me with the 'I love it how liberals...' brush. I could say that I love how some Christians will abuse the bible to deny me equal rights, or that I love how conservatives are all narrow minded and bigoted closet cases, but I don't believe either of those statements. You don't know my position on financial, most social or political issues, so don't assume to do so.

I never assumed to know your stance on financial, social or political issues, liberalism is concerned with the increasing of civil freedoms, to the point of permitting what should not be permitted and encouraging that which should not be encouraged. The gay “rights” movement is an example of a liberal movement in society.
6. The evangelicals in America's 'ex-gay' movement have inspired Uganda to propose a 'Kill The Gays' Bill. The catholic church has inspired its followers to make the lives of gay people horrible. All anti-gay churches help to reinforce 'traditional gender roles', which allow the twisted minds of 'good christian men' to sometimes bash up 'sissies', or effeminate men. Westboro Baptist are pretty tame in comparison.
The most dominant Ugandan denomination is actually Catholicism.

On Dec. 10, a Vatican diplomat addressed a United Nations panel on anti-gay violence, saying that “the Holy See continues to oppose all grave violations of human rights against homosexual persons, such as the use of the death penalty … [and] discriminatory penal legislation.” Though there was no direct reference to Uganda, the context seemed clear enough, especially since the Ugandan legislation was a major focus of the panel’s deliberations.


And stop talking about things you obviously know nothing about. There are over 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, most of them are able to appreciate their is nothing wrong with homosexual people and it is no greater sin than any other. It doesn't make it any less immoral, but honestly, if all 1.2 billion (almost 2 billion Christians overall) actually bashed up gay people, then the fact of the matter is there wouldn't be many gays left at this point.

Stop sterotyping Christians on the basis of the actions of a few misguided idiot rednecks who probably have only red Lev 18:22 and ignored everything else. Christ's message is about love, not animosity and violence.

Please don’t think that since I don’t think two people of the same gender having sex is morally acceptable, that I would ever support legislation denying people who engage in such behaviour the right to live.
I am against homosexuality sure, but I can appreciate a person’s right to do what they want in their personal life, and as such am actually against it being criminalised.
8. Heard of turkey basters and sperm jars? IVF? adoption? Not every child that is made comes from the 'loving married couple'. Never have, never will. Love is what makes a family and whoever teaches up a child in the right path will find they don't deviate from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Lol... All of these require artificial intervention. None of these processes are natural, sort of like homosexuality itself, but w/e...

Mate, heard of cloning? I can have a child without even having a partner! Isn’t that dandy?

No, it isn’t.

The problem is just because we can do something, doesn’t make it right. Humans have no greater right to artificially take life away than we do at creating it. A child is not a commodity, to be bought from a clinic of doctors with a bunch of test tubes and syringes. If a person wants a child, then they should conceive. If they are unable to do that, for whatever reason, then that’s unfortunate, but is not an issue that needs to be addressed. The world is suffering from overpopulation regardless. While I don’t believe in gay adoption, since I believe a child has the right to both a mother and father, it is definitely the lesser of two evils when compared with artificial fertilisation procedures.

Love, while a pure and wholesome thing itself, has never been the basis of marriage or of families. Should it be integral to all families, yes of course, but it is not at all required. A man and a women, however are required. Civil marriage does not recognise the love between two people, that’s the celebration associated with religious or private marriage. Civil marriage is the signing of a form, which makes a special type of union (one which is capable of creating and caring for the children of the next generation) recognised by the state and eligible for special rights and priveldges given specifically to it to assist it in carrying out this unique purpose.


Dec 27, 2009
if you watch that i clip i posted, you'll know that people can't change their sexuality. they can, however supress it, though it wouldn't be healthy.
Waa waa, getting nailed to a wooden cross wasn't very healthy for Christ, but he dealt with it anyway.

Please don't somehow feel that gays are the only people who are obliged to sacrifice out of their love for the Lord.


Dec 27, 2009
YouTube - Chris Crocker - God is for Everybody.

Here Alex No 2, watch this..

Here's something for you to consider (If you're ever gonna answer); I think you people need to let him relax a bit.. It's him against Infinity number of homosexuals right now. 'cause Alex No. 1 (Iron) quit...

Here's the quote..

"Are you praying to the God that men made, or are you praying to the God that made men?"

If you ask yourself that, you might feel clearer in a way!
Holy crap, is that what Chris Crocker looks like now!?!

MingX why dun you go read your Bible and make up your own mind?


you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
Homosexual activists argue that marriage is a construct of the State that can be defined in any manner the State chooses. They say marriage is about the public union of two people who wish to affirm their love and commitment to one another in a public, official manner. What's interesting is the limitation of this definition. Where does the idea of two come from? Why not three or four? And where do we get the idea that love is the foundation of marriage? Who decided that? Nowhere in the history of the world has love been the basis of marriage. What happened to procreation as the basis of, and reason for marriage?

If marriage is a construct of the State, and the basis of marriage is love and commitment, then there is no principled reason to prohibit group or incestual marriages. Clearly this is not being argued by the State. They still want marriage to mean something in particular, but they want to define what that particular something is.

To demonstrate the insensibility of sanctioning same-sex unions as "marriage" consider the following point made by Francis Beckwith: Just because you can eat an ashtray doesn't make it food. Food is not determined by what you put in your mouth, but by the nature of the substance itself, and the types of things the body is designed to consume and use. Just because two homosexuals pledge the vows of marriage does not make it a marriage. Marriage is something in particular. Homosexuality is not congruent with the nature and purpose of marriage, and therefore we should not call same-sex relationships "marriage," nor give homosexuals the same rights/benefits we give to heterosexual unions.

Do you accept group marriages, incestual marriage, marriages with animals, etc? No? Then we are both the kind of people who restrict marriage. The question is whether or not our restrictions are principled or arbitrary in nature.

I never said it actually endorses pedophillia, because we both know it doesn’t. I said that it would be easier to argue than that it supports gay unions.
Did you read my post regarding this? If you did you would know that even if you incoinclusively proved that none of the 6-7 Bible passages actually refer to serious life long homosexual relationships (which you haven't for any of them but w/e) then that still doesn't demonstrate that it is acceptable behaviour.

The strongest evidence that suggests that homosexual unions are not equal to heterosexual unions in the Bible etc. is about what is not written, not what is written. You can’t dismiss 6-7 Bible veses simply because you disagree with them, and think that the translator was a latent homophobe. Even if say, Romans was found as to not referring to homosexuality, the other 6 or so, would make up for that.

Once again, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve; with this in mind, and the command to “go forth and be fruitful” where do homosexual unions fit in? There doesn’t seem to be a place for them at all, in either marriage or sex. Furthermore there is not a single homosexual union described in a positive light, throughout the whole of scripture, if they were trully equal to that of heterosexuals, then why is this the case?

It was an analogy xD

Lol... Ruth is Naomi’s daughter in law, not her lesbian GF.

Naomi’s husband (Elimelech) died and so did the husbands (her sons; Mahlon and Kilion) of Naomi and Orpah.

FFS Lol, go read Ruth (it’s a really small book) and tell me it has any references at all to a homosexual affair between Ruth and Naomi. It is actually a ridiculous suggestion.

Ruth 1:8
Then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go back, each of you, to your mother’s home. May the LORD show kindness to you, as you have shown to your dead and to me. May the LORD grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband”.

Naomi doesn’t want Ruth to go with her. She wants her to find a husband and be happy again. Ruth insists on following Naomi however, where she later meets Boaz (a guy) and they marry.

There is nothing at all to suggest that there was any lesbian affair going on, like actually nothing.

This is laughable. David had many female wives (one of which was Jonathans brother and Saul’s daughter, Michal). If anything he was bi, but this is irrelevant because David is never described as having sex with Jonathan.

Sam 16:12 reads;
...He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.
One hardly has to have a homosexual inclination to observe handsomeness in people of the same gender. Girls can identify each other as pretty or beautiful without being sexually attracted to them, the same goes for men, but I digress.

Furthermore there is nothing wrong with David and Jonathan loving each other and kissing or w/e in each other’s arms. No-where in the Bible is love for another of the same sex ever described as a sin. From what is presented by the Bible, neither of them is guilty of the sin as first described in the holiness code and elsewhere in the Bible, of a man lying with another man as he would a women.

“Your love for me is was wonderful, more wonderful than that of a women”, there is no reference at all to sex at all. The sin surrounding homosexuality is the physical abusing of sex for reasons with which it was not intended. The Bible doesn’t describe David or Jonathan as committing this sin at all. It would appear David and Jonathan were able to express their love for each other without having to revert to the sinful and carnal.

I never assumed to know your stance on financial, social or political issues, liberalism is concerned with the increasing of civil freedoms, to the point of permitting what should not be permitted and encouraging that which should not be encouraged. The gay “rights” movement is an example of a liberal movement in society.

The most dominant Ugandan denomination is actually Catholicism.

On Dec. 10, a Vatican diplomat addressed a United Nations panel on anti-gay violence, saying that “the Holy See continues to oppose all grave violations of human rights against homosexual persons, such as the use of the death penalty … [and] discriminatory penal legislation.” Though there was no direct reference to Uganda, the context seemed clear enough, especially since the Ugandan legislation was a major focus of the panel’s deliberations.


And stop talking about things you obviously know nothing about. There are over 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, most of them are able to appreciate their is nothing wrong with homosexual people and it is no greater sin than any other. It doesn't make it any less immoral, but honestly, if all 1.2 billion (almost 2 billion Christians overall) actually bashed up gay people, then the fact of the matter is there wouldn't be many gays left at this point.

Stop sterotyping Christians on the basis of the actions of a few misguided idiot rednecks who probably have only red Lev 18:22 and ignored everything else. Christ's message is about love, not animosity and violence.

Please don’t think that since I don’t think two people of the same gender having sex is morally acceptable, that I would ever support legislation denying people who engage in such behaviour the right to live.
I am against homosexuality sure, but I can appreciate a person’s right to do what they want in their personal life, and as such am actually against it being criminalised.

Lol... All of these require artificial intervention. None of these processes are natural, sort of like homosexuality itself, but w/e...

Mate, heard of cloning? I can have a child without even having a partner! Isn’t that dandy?

No, it isn’t.

The problem is just because we can do something, doesn’t make it right. Humans have no greater right to artificially take life away than we do at creating it. A child is not a commodity, to be bought from a clinic of doctors with a bunch of test tubes and syringes. If a person wants a child, then they should conceive. If they are unable to do that, for whatever reason, then that’s unfortunate, but is not an issue that needs to be addressed. The world is suffering from overpopulation regardless. While I don’t believe in gay adoption, since I believe a child has the right to both a mother and father, it is definitely the lesser of two evils when compared with artificial fertilisation procedures.

Love, while a pure and wholesome thing itself, has never been the basis of marriage or of families. Should it be integral to all families, yes of course, but it is not at all required. A man and a women, however are required. Civil marriage does not recognise the love between two people, that’s the celebration associated with religious or private marriage. Civil marriage is the signing of a form, which makes a special type of union (one which is capable of creating and caring for the children of the next generation) recognised by the state and eligible for special rights and priveldges given specifically to it to assist it in carrying out this unique purpose.
1. A common argument. If we allow gay marriage, why stop at multiple or bestial marriage? I don't argue for those things. There are reasons to prevent polygamy and bestiality. There are no really good ones to prevent gay marriage.

2. I don't think any of us should talk about nature or congruency. Just because something is less common does not make it unnatural, there are many reasons for marriage and we're talking to each other on the web... hardly a natural device.

3. Not everyone wants to go forth and multiply, thankfully.

4. Did you read my piece? It said there is no solid proof, but the bonds between the two women were very powerful. Love was the bond.

5. How is it irrelevant? He said that he had never felt that love with any of his wives. A declaration of love from someone who entered straight marriages as a form of contract for the purpose of having children and cultural purposes, I think so.

6. You obviously know very little about Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill.
American evangelicals such as Scott Lively and California pastor Rick Warren have a history of involvement in Uganda where they focus their missionary work. As a result, Warren and others have become influential in the shaping of public policy in Uganda, Nigeria, and to a lesser extent, Kenya. Stephen Langa, the March 2009 workshop organiser, specifically cited an unlicensed conversion therapist named Richard A. Cohen, who states in a book that was given to Langa and other prominent Ugandans,
Homosexuals are at least 12 times more likely to molest children than heterosexuals; homosexual teachers are at least 7 times more likely to molest a pupil; homosexual teachers are estimated to have committed at least 25 percent of pupil molestation; 40 percent of molestation assaults were made by those who engage in homosexuality.
These statements were based on faulty studies performed by Paul Cameron, who has been expelled from the American Psychological Association, the Canadian Psychological Association, and the American Sociological Association, and Cohen confirmed their weaknesses, stating that when the book will be reprinted, these statistics will be removed.

From 5 to 8 March, 2009, a workshop took place in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, that featured three American evangelical Christians: Scott Lively, an author who has written several books opposing homosexuality; Caleb Lee Brundidge, a self-professed former gay man who conducts sessions to heal homosexuality; and Don Schmierer, a board member of Exodus International, an organisation devoted to promoting "freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ".

The theme of the conference, according to The New York Times, was the "gay agenda": "how to make gay people straight, how gay men often sodomized teenage boys and how 'the gay movement is an evil institution' whose goal is 'to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity' ".

An Anglican priest from Zambia named Kapya Kaoma was in attendance, and reported on the conference. Ugandan Stephen Langa organised it, and was supported by Lively, who asserted in his workshops that homosexuality was akin to child molestation and bestiality, and causes higher rates of divorce and HIV transmission.

Lively's emphasis was on the cohesion of the African family, that he said was being threatened by homosexuals looking to recruit youth into their ranks. According to Kaoma, during the conference, one of the thousands of Ugandans in attendance announced, "[The parliament] feels it is necessary to draft a new law that deals comprehensively with the issue of homosexuality and...takes into account the international gay agenda... Right now there is a proposal that a new law be drafted."

Just because the Vatican opposes this bill doesn't mean Ugandan 'Christians' do... most of them support it. I didn't say evangelism was the most common form of Christianity in Uganda. I merely stated that Christians are trying to persecute gay Ugandans, using their views on the bible and a scare tactic response to their HIV crisis to do so.

7. I don't remember making blanket statements about the world's 1.2 billion catholics. I myself am a lapsed catholic.

8. I don't really hold much of an opinion in terms of bioethics, sorry. Having kids doesn't appeal to me.

9. I would hope no family is devoid of love, because without love the structures humans create for society are meaningless :)


Sep 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
In short however, Christians believe in the NT. OT rules more or less don't apply, at least anymore than moral guidelines of behaviour.


That said, slavery nowadays is not accepted by society and this view is in total harmony with that expressed by the Bible.
So what you're saying is... you believe the bible to be a sacred book of ultimate truths and morality... yet you reserve the right to pick and choose which bits of it to listen and adhere to... And not only that, but you ensure that the part you do adhere to is the part furthest removed from gods own words. Not only was the NT left to the disciples to write, but it is the part of the bible most amended since.

And your last statement throws into question what you base your moral judgments on... The word of god, or the will of a society.
When they match eachother (as you claim they do with slavery - Though naturally, as I don't see what gives any believer the right to hold one book of "the word of god" -Note: Quoted from more that 2000 sepperate sections of the old testament- above any other. -Surely such presumption of authority over god counts as pride, the fourth cardinal sin...? I wonder the reason for it... Would it be greed... cause I'm pretty sure that's the second deadly sin, no?-) then everything is fine and dandy... But what about on the issue of Homosexuality? The polls are undeniable, (and not just this BoS poll) it is the will of the people and their society for homosexual marriage to be permitted. What happens in your little dichotomy. Do you accept the divine wisdom of the lord above the people? Surely you do! He is infalliable! But surely that means he knows more than yourself...? (again, a point that I'm sure you would not presume to argue against) So why then do you feel the right to inflict your will upon his words? He has permitted slavery and slave abuse - He has told us that we should kill our child if they curse us as parents. - Not to mention fortune-tellers and dwarves.
If you concede that the lord is infalliable, and that his wisdom is greater than yours. Then you yourself have admitted that you have no right to deny god these acts.

Enjoy the killing :]
See you in prison.


Dec 27, 2009
I simply don't see any reason why one would think that not allowing it is a good idea.
In regards to private or religious marriage then its up to the religious organisation is question to decide what their stance is.

In regards to civil marriage, the answer is no, simply becuase homosexual unions are not as important to the state as heterosexual unions.

Civil marriage is the states way of regulating private unions and protecting them, not because the state actually cares who promises to love each other, but because a man and women together can have children and raise them.

To assist them in this, civil marriage is enacted, granting their union special status and priveldges not given to other unions (which can't achieve what heterosexual unions can) and the couple is joined legally and socially (and religiously if that is the case). This provides a solid, stable foundation stone on which a family may come into being and the children of the next generation be raised.

It will also help increase adoption rates, we have a section of the population that cannot have kids without specifically choosing to, I'd say adoption is more likely among them.
The vast majority of gay couples do not adopt. There is no reason to suggest that once granted the title of marriage, that it will suddently become all the rage.

Even so, we don't want gays adopting anyway, a child has the right to both a mother and father, and needs influence from both of them, and to observe them interacting and treating each other with respect and kindness, that is simply part of growing up.

I'll mention here that I can assure all of you that having homosexual parents doesn't teach homosexuality, it teaches tolerance.
I don't think having gay "parents" would actually make a child gay.

But what it is likely to do is deny them the whole picture. They won't be told about the obscene health risks associated with homosexual sex.

I agree, there is nothing wrong with homosexuals, and ofc as equal people they must be tolerated. But the behaviour itself is not the same as heterosexuality and the union between two people of the same gender is not the same as that of a heterosexual couple.

Finally, what the world does seem to run on, money. Marriages bring money into the economy, the same should apply for gay marriages, I also wouldn't be surprised if we had an increase in the rate of people coming to Australia simply for the purpose of getting married.
Sell our souls and abandon our values for money, really smart.


Sep 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
If you believe our arguement is futile because of its lack of scientific data supporting its claims then you have completely missed the point.

Even arch athiest Richard Dawkins ackowledges that science is very limited in what it can give us. It can provide answers, identify trends, but it cannot teach us morals. Our arguement is not based on scientific principles, nor on religious principles, but on moral principles.

It just so happens that many people on "our" side hold religious views and their notion of morality is inevitably shaped by these views. One does not have to be religious however to have a moral objection to homosexuality.

Scientific evidence was brought up by myself and others to demonstrate fallacies brought up by the "pro gay rights" side, including that homosexual intercourse occurs in nature and therefore should be acceptable and that it is a perfectly healthy alternative.

That said it would be irrelevant if homosexuality was in fact as healthy or even "healthier" than heterosexuality (hypothetically speaking), we would still be opposing it on moral grounds.

My values and notion of morality do have a place in our nations legislative system, as does yours; regardless of how misguided it may be.

I love how all liberals universally renounce the ability of people with different views than them the right to express them.

Really, you claim to stand for fairness and equality, but what you are saying is simply undemocratic.

Morality is vital for a nation to prosper and for people to be happy and live in harmony, religious or not. Your animosity towards organisations which appreciate this simple fact will not result in a better Australia for anyone.
This, however is some fair and rational arguing. Aside from little issues such as trying to bring democracy on your side, when the failings of pure deomcracy are the only things keeping homosexual marriage illegal in the majority of the world.
Other than that, I agree with most of your points here.


you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
But the behaviour itself is not the same as heterosexuality and the union between two people of the same gender is not the same as that of a heterosexual couple.
Ahhhh hello.... there's a reason why I don't date men. Because it's not the same! I wouldn't want it to be the same as heterosexuality! It's different in only the sense that the genders are different... I :love: girls, honest.
Even so, we don't want gays adopting anyway, a child has the right to both a mother and father, and needs influence from both of them, and to observe them interacting and treating each other with respect and kindness, that is simply part of growing up.
Who is we? The royal we?

I'm gonna sit back for a day or two and watch this thread. Take some notes. Drink some hot chocolate. Comment... occasionally. Have fun guys :)


Aug 26, 2008
EDIT: Whilst reading this, remember how long it must have taken, and thus I missed a few posts...

Waa waa, getting nailed to a wooden cross wasn't very healthy for Christ, but he dealt with it anyway.

Please don't somehow feel that gays are the only people who are obliged to sacrifice out of their love for the Lord.
So a non-Christian gay person should go through the emotional stress (refer back to suicide) of trying to supress who they are. Why? Because it will hurt someone? No! Because a different religion, or in fact I should say the majority of people in that religion say they should based off their personal beliefs.

Homosexual activists argue that marriage is a construct of the State that can be defined in any manner the State chooses. They say marriage is about the public union of two people who wish to affirm their love and commitment to one another in a public, official manner. What's interesting is the limitation of this definition. Where does the idea of two come from? Why not three or four? And where do we get the idea that love is the foundation of marriage? Who decided that? Nowhere in the history of the world has love been the basis of marriage. What happened to procreation as the basis of, and reason for marriage?
Christianity was not necessarily the creator of marriage. It has appeared in many different cultures, and in fact the Bible demonstrates in many cases marriage without love, and polygamy, so please don't say that we are basing it solely on Christianity. We are basing what we think the legal definition of marriage should be on logic. Go to my post and look at all of the different advantages that I showed, now try some disadvantages that don't relate to religion. Do I need to to through the damages that incestuous relationships have? The empowerment of the man (in the vast majority of cases) that occurs in polygamy? What about the fact that beastiality simply can't be consensual?

Once again, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve; with this in mind, and the command to “go forth and be fruitful” where do homosexual unions fit in? There doesn’t seem to be a place for them at all, in either marriage or sex. Furthermore there is not a single homosexual union described in a positive light, throughout the whole of scripture, if they were trully equal to that of heterosexuals, then why is this the case?

May want to throw the "discrimination based on religion" point out there. But still, I might point out that, on the assumption that the creation story is true (I'm one of those scary atheist things by the way), than the sons of Adam and Eve had to have committed incest with their mother to make more children. The point that I see made here is generally that they say that the gene pool was still not tainted enough to make any of the damages, that is why it is declared sin later. This teaches me that sin must change over time, based on what is good for us. Could this not mean that with protective methods, and now even a slight need for homosexuality (adoption, overpopulation in general), that things could have changed. This can go to tangent land, so if you want to raise points from this that are a bit too far off, might be best to PM me.

The problem is just because we can do something, doesn’t make it right. Humans have no greater right to artificially take life away than we do at creating it. A child is not a commodity, to be bought from a clinic of doctors with a bunch of test tubes and syringes. If a person wants a child, then they should conceive. If they are unable to do that, for whatever reason, then that’s unfortunate, but is not an issue that needs to be addressed. The world is suffering from overpopulation regardless. While I don’t believe in gay adoption, since I believe a child has the right to both a mother and father, it is definitely the lesser of two evils when compared with artificial fertilisation procedures.

Is it OK for a heterosexual couple who can't procreate to use artificial insemination or to adopt (adopting being one of the most kind things someone can do in my opinion). I have never seen any evidence to say that gay couples are less capable than strait ones at parenting.

Love, while a pure and wholesome thing itself, has never been the basis of marriage or of families. Should it be integral to all families, yes of course, but it is not at all required.
Well of course love shouldn't be a part of the legal marriage. How would we possibly measure it.

Now for a few questions... Do you think that homosexuality should be made illegal? Do you think that Muslim prayer should be made illegal? Do you believe that the Christian law should be the law of Australia?

Long, fairly nonsensical post there!


Sep 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Forget the Bible for a minute, the male and female body were made for each other (whether you believe they were made by God or by nature is irrelevent). That much is undeniable.
Hahaha if that were undeniable why on earth would gay people feel the urge to have sex? XD
What a stupid point.
Of course it's deniable, I have been with a few women in my life, and I for one can say that if we are putting the bible out out of this, and talking about pure physicality (which, remember: without the bible as a source of ultimate morality, means that "meant" simply means what is believed by the indivdual to feel more correct) then for myself, as I have no right to speak for anyone else, I honestly belive that a mans body feels more correct against mine.
And I would also like to bring into question, how (if we are forgetting the bibles moral guidelines for the moment, as you said) you can claim to know that the male and female bodies are "made for each other" when you have never experienced or even been open to experiencing the alternative.


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
enough of all this mumbo jumbo guys. when it comes down to it, one group is being denied a privilege while another group takes it for granted (as seen with the divorce rates. that's all this is. discrimination.


Aug 26, 2008
Remember that I have probably missed some posts.

In regards to private or religious marriage then its up to the religious organisation is question to decide what their stance is.
Absolutely, separation of church and state goes both ways.

In regards to civil marriage, the answer is no, simply becuase homosexual unions are not as important to the state as heterosexual unions.
They're not as important, so we can't have both?

Civil marriage is the states way of regulating private unions and protecting them, not because the state actually cares who promises to love each other, but because a man and women together can have children and raise them.

To assist them in this, civil marriage is enacted, granting their union special status and priveldges not given to other unions (which can't achieve what heterosexual unions can) and the couple is joined legally and socially (and religiously if that is the case). This provides a solid, stable foundation stone on which a family may come into being and the children of the next generation be raised.
Yup, and there's no evidence to say that this shouldn't apply for gay people.

The vast majority of gay couples do not adopt. There is no reason to suggest that once granted the title of marriage, that it will suddently become all the rage.
That couldn't possibly be because of what you just said? It is SO much easier to adopt when you're... counted.

Even so, we don't want gays adopting anyway, a child has the right to both a mother and father, and needs influence from both of them, and to observe them interacting and treating each other with respect and kindness, that is simply part of growing up.
Why can't this apply with two of the same sex?! They will still see people of two genders. And do you think it's better than being in an orphanage? Also, should single parents be deprived of their children? What about when a couple divorces? That creates a different environment to what you have suggested.

I don't think having gay "parents" would actually make a child gay.

But what it is likely to do is deny them the whole picture. They won't be told about the obscene health risks associated with homosexual sex.
They'd be more likely to be told, the parents are aware, more so than strait people. I know people who have never had the issue cross their mind, and what happens if they're gay, they know nothing?! I have a strange family situation (that I love), including the fact that my mum's gay. This made me actually look into the issues, not to mention that people talked to me about it more.

Sell our souls and abandon our values for money, really smart.
Minor advantage, notice the finally. And I'm not making you do either and the other aren't changing their values and let's face it by your opinion they're souls are goners. In fact, if you want me to explain to you why allowing gay marriage would save more souls, PM me.


Dec 27, 2009
enough of all this mumbo jumbo guys. when it comes down to it, one group is being denied a privilege while another group takes it for granted (as seen with the divorce rates. that's all this is. discrimination.
What is civil marriage?


Dec 27, 2009
wanna do it?
Thats the 3rd time you've proposed now ;)

But seriously; anyone, what is civil marriage?

We know what religious marriage is (more or less, varies between religions) the ceremony whereby two people are united by God to commit to each other forever etc etc.


Sep 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Originally Posted by Name_Taken
In short however, Christians believe in the NT. OT rules more or less don't apply, at least anymore than moral guidelines of behaviour.


That said, slavery nowadays is not accepted by society and this view is in total harmony with that expressed by the Bible.

So what you're saying is... you believe the bible to be a sacred book of ultimate truths and morality... yet you reserve the right to pick and choose which bits of it to listen and adhere to... And not only that, but you ensure that the part you do adhere to is the part furthest removed from gods own words. Not only was the NT left to the disciples to write, but it is the part of the bible most amended since.

And your last statement throws into question what you base your moral judgments on... The word of god, or the will of a society.
When they match eachother (as you claim they do with slavery - Though naturally, as I don't see what gives any believer the right to hold one book of "the word of god" -Note: Quoted from more that 2000 sepperate sections of the old testament- above any other. -Surely such presumption of authority over god counts as pride, the fourth cardinal sin...? I wonder the reason for it... Would it be greed... cause I'm pretty sure that's the second deadly sin, no?-) then everything is fine and dandy... But what about on the issue of Homosexuality? The polls are undeniable, (and not just this BoS poll) it is the will of the people and their society for homosexual marriage to be permitted. What happens in your little dichotomy. Do you accept the divine wisdom of the lord above the people? Surely you do! He is infalliable! But surely that means he knows more than yourself...? (again, a point that I'm sure you would not presume to argue against) So why then do you feel the right to inflict your will upon his words? He has permitted slavery and slave abuse - He has told us that we should kill our child if they curse us as parents. - Not to mention fortune-tellers and dwarves.
If you concede that the lord is infalliable, and that his wisdom is greater than yours. Then you yourself have admitted that you have no right to deny god these acts.

Enjoy the killing :]
See you in prison.


I want someone with half a brain to argue with me lol and so far Name_Taken, you're the only contender.



i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
Thats the 3rd time you've proposed now ;)
so... are you submissive? Or dominant? :D

But seriously; anyone, what is civil marriage?

We know what religious marriage is (more or less, varies between religions) the ceremony whereby two people are united by God to commit to each other forever etc etc.
what kinda fag wants to get married religiously? they just want a goddam marraige. is that too much to ask?


Dec 27, 2009
so... are you submissive? Or dominant? :D

what kinda fag wants to get married religiously? they just want a goddam marraige. is that too much to ask?
Stop avoiding the question!!

If you want to get married, one would think the most basic step would be to know exactly what it is that you want.

What is a civil marriage?


Jan 5, 2010
Thats the 3rd time you've proposed now ;)

But seriously; anyone, what is civil marriage?

We know what religious marriage is (more or less, varies between religions) the ceremony whereby two people are united by God to commit to each other forever etc etc.
It's a marriage that has nothing to do with religion.

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