I don't think it's unreasonable that some people just feel uncomfortable around people that are different than themselves (hate is a strong word).
I don't have a problem with homosexuality at all, but, I can apply an analogy to disabled people - Yes, I'm going to hell, but I just don't feel comfortable around severely physically and/or mentally disabled people (not something small like paraplegic, but the really crippling ones - cerebral palsy when it's really bad, for example). Yes, I'm going to hell (not that there is a hell)
I guess it's a little different though 'cause gay people are like, the same as straight people but still

people have the right to believe whatever the like to believe right. as long as they dont force there beliefs on other people right. then in saying that the catholic church has the right to believe whatever they want. they do not force individuals to follow them. the individuals make a choice to follow them. if anything the people who attack the catholic church are means that they are the one who are 'forcing' their belief on the institution.
Parents force their beliefs on children. Children 'brainwashed' to believe. How many young catholics are there these days that actively went out and joined a church without their parents and/or school. I'd say almost none.