but i sent a email to the home and away website voicing my joy about sams end and how i wanted martha and jack back together and then i would be happy.
i got a reply saying 'keep watching and i think you will be happy!'
Except a reunion within the next couple of months
Martha's entrance was the last straw. I instantly recognised her as being a model in Girlfriend & Dolly magazine. She wasn't hired for her acting technique at all - she was just another pretty face that would boost their ratings in the male demographic.
Jodi's acting has improved tremendously over the past year or so. Last year was by far her best year, with strong storylines, and the acting just got better and better. She is not only just a pretty face anymore. I was really bummed when she didnt get nominated for a Logie. She so deserved it. Oh well, theres always next year.
Poor Maddy... had anorexia...
She had bulimia, not anorexia
Lol it didn't even seem half real. All she did was eat tonnes of cake. Matilda shits me bad.
so it was very realistic. She ate a lot, and then thrwe it all up. Like Blair in GG.
Didnt Sam have dark brown hair???
Martha looked pertty in Sams dress haha
Jack seemed to think so too
Jodi Gordon, ugly? She may not be the best actor, but she's absolutely gorgeous!
Tonight's episode was alright, but I want to see more Jack.
Jodi Gordon is only of the most beautiful women in Australia. Ive seen her in real life, and she was gorgeous.
Seeing Jack sleeping made the episode for me. He looked so cute and peaceful. I could just watch him sleeping forever. But then Tony ruined it by touching his butt -hmph-
death to those who find jodi gordon ugly.
Amen Jeremy!!!
One more week until we find out how she died *woot* Next tuesday is the big revealation, and then wednesday is the confirmation

And then it'll all be over with. Just a couple of weeks of Jack grieving, but he'll have Martha by his side, so i dont care. Because we're going to be getting lots and lots of JM scenes from next week onwards. Hallelujah!!! We've had a draught this year, with only 4 JM scenes. They owe us at least 2 eps with both of them together a week

And then they'll get back together, and Rory will disappear, and i'll have my lovely H&A back
As for Roman, he has his daughter, i dont think he'll miss Martha much

I hope not anyway