For the extension history project u need to have a couple of bits and peices so i'll type them up for u and hopefully it will help out a bit.
k - first off u should have ur research journal (makes up part of the process which is marked) - which u put ur information in, drafts etc bascially u just have all ur information in it so ur teacher can c its an original project.
with the acutally essay (called 'the product' in the syllubus) section u have 3 parts
1. Synopsis
2. Essay
3. The Bibliography
Outlined in the syllubus as a 300 word introduction to ur process which should include ur preliminary research question reserach intentions and methodology.
Basically u need to say what u r investigating, historians u r using and what historical questions u are looking at in ur project (ie. Who r the historians, how have interpreations changed over time)
It needs to be short and precise - dont waffle on about ur argument or opinions at this stage
To give u a bit of an example this is an extract from my synopsis
The respncibility of Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler, in the planning of the 'Final Solution' for the 'Jewish Probelm' has arisen into current controversy. THe debate has emerged due to mounting claims of Holocaust deniers who refute Hitler's involvement in teh atrocities committed during WWI. The dispute identifed two distict schools of history, which Tim Mason identified as Functionalist and Inteneitonalist historians
Then i go on and outline which historians i'm looking at and saying that through my project i explore the way historians have changed their opionion over time perods and purpose of history effects way written
The Essay
The syllubus says this is a 2,500 word essay which a precise questions is focused on. There must be an argument, sources (and referencing) graphics (if appropriate) and material from a wide range of perspectives.
The most important thing to remember about the essay is that you are exploreing a HISTIOGRAPHICAL ISSUE not an actual history. Depending on what works best there is really two ways u can approach this.
My topic was Hitler's invovlment in the orders for the final solution. My first essay basically explored all the different ideas and used sources to back this up - it didn't have any histiographical background. It was compeltely wrong but it ended up being excpeitonally useful because i knew my topic inside out. It meant i bascially had to re-write it for the 2nd draft but i found it really helped getting to know what i was writing about.
so its not necessarily a bad thing. The focus of the essay however is meant to be on histiography. You need to outline what ur different historians think and why they think this and have evidence to say why.
Basically you would introduction what ur looking at in ur paragraph in ur frist line, have a quote to back it up - then look into the historography. You would look at the types of sources they use (primary or secondary, written, visual, baised), their background (how does it affect how they view history) aims of their history, how they portrayed ur particular topic etc
its always good to show where the different historians/groups disagree and why - makes for an interesting essay
The bibliography
should just be alphabetical - neatly organised with all texts refered to in ur journal, have essays u looked at, interenet resources (with date acessessed - if more then once say numerous occasions)
and u need to include a source analysis - which is a 600 word evalution of 3 sources (if u do modern u'll find it very similar to what u have to do for ur ww1 case study)
basically u should look at who teh author of the source was, their background, what school of history they belonged to, (an offical position if they have one) and how useful it was in ur research.
you can use first person - u can make judgement if u thought the source was excelent or crap - mention when u foudn the source, ie was it a stimulus in the begining or did u find it a week before it was due in... stuff like that - ur final line should show ur judgment on the source...
if u have any other specific questions - post away
hope i've helped
cheers mel[/I]