I'm looking for a criminal case that happened recently. So around the Year 2000 and onwards. It has to be Australian and about an indictable offence. Thanks!
I'm looking for a criminal case that happened recently. So around the Year 2000 and onwards. It has to be Australian and about an indictable offence. Thanks!
um, ok, well just off the top of my head how about the Teagan Wagner gang rape case, shows the ineffecvness of the law in effectivly prosecuting rapists. The victom was highly traumatised from the case, had to be cross examined 3 times, led to calls for victoms rights to be taken into far more consideration. And they got very light sentences, shows how the law is not always effective at providing retribution.
there should be heaps of info on this case online.
Perhaps try the recent case of laser reforms, where laws regarding lasers are reformed and powerful lasers are banned. This is due to the prevalence of laser attacks since start of 2008. By the way be sure to check out my Sample summarys for Legal Studies ^^ + tutoring available.
Hey, I'm doing this assessment task too so here are some cases that we were given to start us off.
- Regina V Gonzales (2004)
- R V Ramage (2004)
- Regina V Daniel Dawes (2004)
- Gregory Wayne Kable V The Director of Public Prosecutions NSW (2003)
- Hanson V DPP Old (2003)
- Regina V Bilal Skaf (2006)
- Attorney-General For the State of New South Wales V Gallagher (2006)
- R V Van Der Baan (2002)
- Regina V Bruce Allan Burrell (2006)
- Regina V Lewthwaite (1992) 2006