Doing these questions is all about balancing the forces. Lift to drag can be complicated (in an accelerating system) or basic in a static system
You will be given a multitude of forces to begin with, usually the weight, angle of attack, and thrust.
Since lift=weight. L=WsinX, where lift = mg sin (angle of attack)
Drag is a little more complex. Rember all the forces need to be balanced so that the total thrust is equal to the drag force plus the drag caused by the angle of attack.
Therefore 0=D-T+WsinX, where 0= drag force minus thrust + mgsinX.
The L

is simply the drag force divided by the lift force to get a number greater than1. i.e 1:1.65
Here is an example: An aircraft is making a decent at 4* to the horizon, at a uniform velocity. The thrust provided by the engines is 110kn and the mass of the plane is 7tonnes. Calculate the lift to drag ratio.
Let's work everything out in Kn to keep it constant.
out weight force = 7000x10=70Kn
Our angle = 90-X (in most cases) = 86* (can also use cos4*)
using the formula lift = 70sin86 =
Using our second formula
So, 69.829:114.88 = 1:1.65