Have I chosen the wrong subjects? What do I do? (1 Viewer)


Jun 14, 2016
Ok, so originally I was going to do Physics (which my dad was keen on me studying) but after studying the Physics content in Science this year I realised that I was terrible at science and would not be doing it in the future (it's a definite no-no as I have failed/only just passed the majority of my Science tests since Year 7, one of which I got 26%).
Now, my prelim subjects for 2017 are:

English Advanced
Ancient History
Business Studies
Society and Culture.

The problem is, I was going to do Economics instead of Business Studies and do English Adv, Maths, French + Ex, Ancient History + Ex, and Economics. But Economics and Ancient History clashed. I chose Ancient History because I can do extension in Year 12, I've been interested in the subject since Year 7, and Business Studies is quite similar to Economics.

However, looking at my recent yearly exam results, I do Commerce as an elective and I got a fairly high mark on the Economics aspects didn't do so well on the Business Studies aspects, and in Geography we had an extended response on an economic issue and I did well on that.

Also I'm not particularly keen on the Business Studies topics, but as it is "equivalent" to Economics I was going to continue with it in Year 12. The problem is, for me, I usually seem to do considerably better at the subjects I enjoy. (And yes, I know that you have to work hard to do well at any subject). Also I am not keen on doing Society and Culture in Year 12 because of the Personal Interest Project, and I don't think I am particularly good at that kind of thing. (For International Studies this year we have a project similar to that due soon, so I'll see how I do on that)

Anyway, my only other option is to move schools (Although it is highly unlikely that they will offer French, Economics and Ancient History together because they're quite a strange combination) and friendship wise that may be a good idea. The problem is, I already moved schools in Year 9 and to move schools again would be a bit much. Also, the end of the year/beginning of next year will be stressful enough already as there is a possibility we may be moving house and moving schools on top of that will just be stressful as hell!

Also, my goals for university is definitely to go to Sydney Uni and maybe do either an Arts degree (in Ancient History, French or something), a Commerce/Economics degree or a Political Science degree. Maybe a dual degree (e.g. Arts and Economics) or a Sciences Po dual degree since I do French? Honestly, I have no idea, maybe something completely different, I've just been browsing :)

Sorry this was so long and thanks for your help!
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Active Member
Feb 7, 2016
To start off, economics and business studies are not as similar as they may seem. The things you study in year 9/10 commerce is slightly difference compared to the year 11 business studies / economics course ( I assume ). If you are worried about doing worse in business studies, I can assure you that business studies is much easier compared to economics. I also in fact missed out on economics at my school, and had to go with chemistry which is my worst subject currently , so I can understand your frustration. Also moving schools just due to this reason, probably isn't the best thing to do, especially considering you already moved schools in year 9.

tl;dr Business studies is quite easier than economics, and this issue is probably not worth changing schools over. Either that, or try changing your subjects again


Active Member
Aug 1, 2016
Ok, so originally I was going to do Physics (which my dad was keen on me studying) but after studying the Physics content in Science this year I realised that I was terrible at science and would not be doing it in the future (it's a definite no-no as I have failed/only just passed the majority of my Science tests since Year 7, one of which I got 26%).
Now, my prelim subjects for 2017 are:

English Advanced
Ancient History
Business Studies
Society and Culture.

The problem is, I was going to do Economics instead of Business Studies and do English Adv, Maths, French + Ex, Ancient History + Ex, and Economics. But Economics and Ancient History clashed. I chose Ancient History because I can do extension in Year 12, I've been interested in the subject since Year 7, and Business Studies is quite similar to Economics.

However, looking at my recent yearly exam results, I do Commerce as an elective and I got a fairly high mark on the Economics aspects didn't do so well on the Business Studies aspects, and in Geography we had an extended response on an economic issue and I did well on that.

Also I'm not particularly keen on the Business Studies topics, but as it is "equivalent" to Economics I was going to continue with it in Year 12. The problem is, for me, I usually seem to do considerably better at the subjects I enjoy. (And yes, I know that you have to work hard to do well at any subject). Also I am not keen on doing Society and Culture in Year 12 because of the Personal Interest Project, and I don't think I am particularly good at that kind of thing. (For International Studies this year we have a project similar to that due soon, so I'll see how I do on that)

Anyway, my only other option is to move schools (Although it is highly unlikely that they will offer French, Economics and Ancient History together because they're quite a strange combination) and friendship wise that may be a good idea. The problem is, I already moved schools in Year 9 and to move schools again would be a bit much. Also, the end of the year/beginning of next year will be stressful enough already as there is a possibility we may be moving house and moving schools on top of that will just be stressful as hell!

Also, my goals for university is definitely to go to Sydney Uni and maybe do either an Arts degree (in Ancient History, French or something), a Commerce/Economics degree or a Political Science degree. Maybe a dual degree (e.g. Arts and Economics) or a Sciences Po dual degree since I do French? Honestly, I have no idea, maybe something completely different, I've just been browsing :)

Sorry this was so long and thanks for your help!
Your school doesn't offer to do subjects through Distance Education?


May 9, 2015
Definitely dont move schools. I think you may be just panicking slightly. Based solely on the subjects you've chosen Economics might not be your favourite. I studied both business and economics in prelim and even though business can be dry sometimes it's much easier to score high marks in. Economics is more complex and from what I've heard more suitable to those who enjoy maths and science subjects (I didn't like it much either and dropped it). Also, commerce isn't a very good indication of what you're capable of in comparison with the hsc courses as they're quite different. Your interests seem to lie in the humanities and in my opinion you have a nice mix. Ancient is my favourite subject :) Try them out and don't stress out too much.


Aug 17, 2015
Economics is quite different from business, there is very little cross over except for 1/2 syllabus dot points(economic influences on HR, global influences, fair work Australia). Business is quite boring compared to economics. It doesn't require much sophistication in terms of writing and is essentially just memorising the syllabus and being able to match that to case studies(you're allowed to even make them up). Economics requires a greater understanding of theory as well as real world events where you need to have stats memorised and be able to explain/eleborate on them and implications. Economics is amazing and I'd really recommend it
Also if you're planning on doing commerce/economics at uni, the macro courses taught at university are quite similar to hsc economics from what I've been told.

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