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uberschveinen said:Ugh. I used to be happy with the group I was in, until the worst member suddenly decided his contribution to the group was no longer required. His attendance of class steadily declined, as did his contribution to the group in general, though I didn't think the latter possible as he has never (that I can remember) said anything useful in any groupwork session. Today was the second day in a row he had skipped a drama lesson, and of all the things HE WAS OUTSIDE PLAYING SOCCER AT THE TIME. when we confronted him about this, he didn't say anything and just walked away.
Now if this was an isolated incident, I wouldn't mind. In fact, I'd assume there was a damn good reason for it and not bother inquiring. However, there hasn't been a single week this year where he's attended all 4/5 drama periods, and he's doing the same thing in every other subject.
My real concern is simply what can I do about this? Confronting him to get to damn working hasn't worked before, and I haven't figured out the new tack I'll take. We can't force him out of our group as he can't go to another and we've incorporated his character into the performance. At this rate he's a strong contender for failing at least three subjects due to lack of attendance and I don't want to make more plans involving him if he's just going to be forcibly dropped. To sum up, what the hell can I do about him?
Namlet said:We got thrown into groups at my school so I have two friends who will listen to me, there's one we all don't like, and another friend I have to somewhat push sometimes to do work but in the end, we've completed it and we're performing it next week in front of two markers and a class of 30. Should be interesting.
Whoops, my bad. My Trial Performance for GP and IP are tomorrow. Wish me luck, ahahaha.vogue said:have you already been called up to do the board of studies performance i thoug we still like had llike 3 more weeks!! so confused ...wen is it due???
uberschveinen said:More group shenanigans for me. Seems one of my group members decided it'd be in his interests to develop Pertussis, ensuring that not only is he in serious danger of complications, away from school for two weeks so far just before the trials begin and in danger of missing several trial exams, but that our freshly forged final production never got the time it needed to become a properly polished performance, a state of affairs that is good for none of us. My only real question is how he got the disease in the first place when whooping cough vaccinations in early childhood are a legislated reqirement.