They won't ask you to overtake and yeah you park in the RTA at the end (or nearby the RTA if it doesn't have its own parking lot...such as Ingleburn).
Also..they won't fail you if your parking is poor inside the RTA, just get it between the lines so you're not obstructing others (the parking bays are significantly wider for the L Plater parking)
Just some extra tips (if you read this before hand):
Relax. But not so you lose focus on the road/driving.
There is generally a stop sign when you exit the RTA...if it is there (be ready for could also be a solid line) come to a complete stop and literally count to 5 or 6 depending on how strict you feel your testing officer (1 'one thousand' 2 'one thousand' 3 'one thousand' etc etc

). You MIGHT get away with 4.
Two hands on the wheel at all times...unless you are shifting, in which case change gear then immediately go back to having both hands on the wheel (my first time I failed because I kept my hand on the gearstick a few times for a couple of shifts on straights, such as second to third to fourth...derp -.-)
Be aware of whats around you. Pedestrians. Cars. AND SIGNS (oh and lines on the road) Basic stuff really.
Remember your road rules haha
Can't think of any more to put particular focus on.
You should be right xD. Good luck.