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Getting Started: Major Work Proposal (1 Viewer)

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aww.. baby raccoon ^^
Jul 28, 2002
Getting Started: Major Work Proposal
This is your statement of intention. Generally your proposal will be between 800 and 1500 words (this depends on your teacher). Some things you might like to include are:

* What your goal is
* Your topic and how it relates to one of the English courses
* Why you want to do English Extension 2; what interest is there for you?
* Your skill set

The first thing I would advise is to write down everything you think about this subject and your major work. You want to get as many ideas as possible. If you like, start from the list above and work outwards :) Nothing is wrong here – you may also want to put this in your Journal.

Structure of your Proposal
The following quotes sum up some ways of structuring your proposal. You’ll have to work around your word limit.

Ms 12 said:
Quote-make it some quote that is relevant to writing or the writing process. It could be serious and inspirational or of another variety (the one I used last year was "the trick to writing is getting that voice inside your head that says 'thats no good, stupid' to shutup long enough for you to get something down on paper"-Kate Grenville. The one I included in my reflection statement was "What is written without effort is generally read without enjoyment").

Introduction-make it brief and justify your reasons for taking the course and what you hope to achieve by the end of it (growth as a writer and crap like that). Also briefly introduce your medium and loose idea.

Body-In this you will discuss several aspects of your work. Use a seperate paragraph for each.
Medium-Identify your medium and justify why you chose it (i.e. you are strong in this area, or it is an area that interests you)
Idea-Identify the general gist of what you will be writing about, even if it is just the area. Talk about why you chose this, and how your medium will aide in you exploring this idea
Methodology-How you will go about constructing your major work. Include areas such as research (into both the area AND the medium), planning, inspiration, and any mentors or people you will turn to for advice.

Conclusion- Sum up your intentions in no more than 1 or 2 sentences and reaffirm what it is you hope to achieve by doing this course (in different words to what you used in the intro, but make sure you assert that this course is a 'wonderful opportunity to explore your passions and interests')

braindrainedAsh said:
If you guys want to see one, my proposal is online


I think that these are really good tips.

Also, make sure you find out what kind of things your teacher wants in your proposal because different teachers might be looking for different information.

Colz said:
Mine is also around 750 - 800 words weighted 10% of internal assessment mark (5% of overall mark?), and is to follow the following structure:

1 Statement of intention (form, title, vision of final product) - 50 words

2 Rationale (Audience - dont forget the intended audience, purpose, inspiration, reasons for the final choice) - 150 words

3 Preliminary Investigation (Experience, knowledge, skills, research) - 200 words

4 Envisaged process (conceptualising each stage of development, planning, etc...) - 200 words

5 Resource list

6 critical factors for success - 100 words

And finally I have attached meisme's proposal (thanks meisme!)

EDIT (jhakka): Further discussion on the Major Work Proposal can be found here: http://community.boredofstudies.org/showthread.php?t=92292
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Toe Knee

New Member
Nov 2, 2004

does anyone have a structure for the proposal...or is kind of open?
Apr 3, 2004
Pretty open.

I remember when I did it I had no idea :D

Let me see if I can find mine... nope.

Anyway. You start off by saying what genre you want to write - actually, let me find my good old EE2 pamphlet *glitterfairy scurries away*

"Your Proposal for your Major Work should be written as a report under the following headings:

1. statement of intention (50 words)
-Working title
-Vision of final product

2. Rationale (150 words)
-Locate in learning context (ie link to Adv Eng and Eng Ext 1)
-Link to outcomes (it is a short story and is creative because ______)
-Reasons for your final choice

3. Evidence of Preliminary Investigation (200 words)
-Experience, knowledge, skills, research

4. Envisaged Method/Process (200 words)
-Key words that conceptualise each stage

5. Resource List including an annotated bibliography

6. Critical Factors for Success (50 words)

Wow... my school actually gave us all that? heehee, glitterfairy should have read the good old pamphlet earlier... anyway. Hope it helps you!

Btw this is just how HGHS does it. Unless you too have been given a format such as this, you are free to use this purely as a guide.

Toe Knee

New Member
Nov 2, 2004
hey thanks heaps!!!!! lol nah we didnt get a outline at all...just got a assessment sheet n a due date! lol so yer thanks heaps i was stuck as t where to start...thats really helpful


Apr 19, 2004
glitterfairy said:
I remember when I did it I had no idea :D
*gasps and points* not third person...blasphemer!!! :p

(note kid in year 11...look at the EE2 thread if u dont understand the reference)
Apr 3, 2004
sub said:
*gasps and points* not third person...blasphemer!!! :p

(note kid in year 11...look at the EE2 thread if u dont understand the reference)
Oy you... have some respect for your elders and betters! *glitterfairy sharpens freshly-manicured nails*


sub said:
*gasps and points* not third person...blasphemer!!! :p

(note kid in year 11...look at the EE2 thread if u dont understand the reference)
The third person is primarily there in our one irrelevant thread, while in the others we are as helpful as possible.

In reponse to the question, I will comment that I had only 500 words and suggest that you be concise. Make sure you know what your current ideas and how you will research them if you decide to go through with them. I made the mistake of not being specific at all, and seriously advise that you make sure you say exactly what needs to be said as soon as it can be, only for the sake of being able to expand on points that seem to call for it.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2004
My teacher told me to write it as a first person essay-esque type of writing however without subtitles and the like.


so don't even ask me
Nov 30, 2003
How long does it have to be?

Here's my proposal which was 1000 words I think, and a 10/10. Hope it helps.

(Sorry, cbf finding the original document)

My aim for this project is to investigate how the values of contemporary Western society influence the ways that individuals shape their sense of morality, and how these are represented through the post-modern text Buffy, the Vampire Slayer#. I wish to examine different ideas relating to historical notions of morality, and their impact on modern ways of thinking. I then aim to evaluate how visual texts such as Buffy examine the ambiguity which exists within humanity in relation to the concepts of good and evil. I have chosen to use the medium of critical response, as this is the form which will enable me to best articulate the findings of my research.

The inspiration for the source of this project stems from our extensive study of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in the Preliminary Extension course. Whilst researching a variety of responses to and interpretations of this text, I found my interest lay consistently in one particular aspect - the moral dilemmas which it presents in regard to the representation of the creature as intrinsically evil, and not as a result of his experiences in the world. It also raises ethical questions in relation to the use and abuse of power, a theme which is often explored in Buffy. The text Frankenstein embodies the ambiguities which are present in the nature of good versus evil. The inter-textual literary allusions, coupled with its contemporary social comments, make Buffy an excellent medium in which to examine the nature of morality and the uncertainties it presents to modern audiences. Essentially, the didactic function once served through the first person narration of the novel in Frankenstein's original context has been usurped by the visual medium of television. This is best exemplified through the messages that Buffy sends in less overt ways as it acts as a medium in which to communicate ideas about the human condition.

In order to complete my major work, there are several areas I will have to research; these include ideas pertaining to how morality is articulated in academic areas such as social science, psychology, sociology and philosophy. I will compare these to ideas of morality embedded in modern society, and more specifically, Buffy. To date, I have been researching the theories of Freidrich Nietzsche, Aristotle and Carl Jung about what drives human behaviour. I also plan to further investigate Friedrich Nietzsche, in particular his essay entitled "First Treatise: 'Good and Bad'; 'Good and Evil'", as I feel that an understanding of his principles is integral to my understanding of different moral concepts. I also intend to research Jung more thoroughly, as I believe that his treatise on archetypal patterns of human behaviour will assist in developing my understanding of what the characters in Buffy represent, as well as their intrinsic motivations. I will measure the relevance of their theories again the post-modern text, Buffy.
I have also conducted extensive research into mythological and biblical ideas of morality from a number of sources, such as the Christian Bible, as well as anthologies of Roman and Greek mythology in order to gain a firm knowledge of their historical context. I will endeavour to link these ideas to ones presented in more modern studies, especially considering their resonance in Buffy.
For the rest of this term, I plan to further research two psychological experiments conducted in the 1960s and 1970s called "The Milgram Obedience Test" and "The Stanford Prison Experiment" which were an examination of the basic moral principles of their subjects, and how these could be manipulated and changed in certain environments. My motivation for investigating these studies is that they are examples of how average, "good" people can be drawn into sadism and other such "evil" behaviours as a result of an oppressive environment. Additionally, both experiments, specifically "The Stanford Prison Experiment" display the corruptive nature of power, a theme that is both historically and presently relevant, and is often examined in Buffy. Through researching these two examples of ambiguous ethics, I hope to develop an understanding of the constantly changing meaning of "morality", and develop a thesis for my major work.
As a result of my extensive research into a number of moral teachings and theories, I will be able to compose an outline for the structure and content of my major work by the end of January.

I have attached a plan which sets out the dates I would like to complete particular aspects of my Major Work. It takes into account the need for extensive research, as well as need for preparation time for assessments such as the Viva Voce. I have allowed myself more time to thoroughly complete my work, including utilising the school holidays and periods between assessments. Although I have made it fairly clear what needs to be done when, the timetable is entirely adaptable to any complications which may arise.

Before I am able to successfully complete my Major Work, I will need to take a number of factors into consideration. The intended audience of my critical response is integral to its construction, as I will need to take care to not assume my markers know anything about Buffy, meaning I will have to thoroughly explain each reference that I use and its relevance to the construction of modern morality. This means that, although the natural audience for my work consists of a Buffy fan-base, I may have to spend more time focusing on the development of my writing until it is at a standard I feel comfortable allowing trained academics to read and scrutinise.

Additionally, I need to refine my documentation skills, so that I can utilise my journal as much as possible. So far I have been using it to record any new ideas or thoughts, as well as take notes on various texts I have been researching. However, in order to make the most of my journal, I must begin to not only document what I am doing, but why. This will help me keep clear track of the process of composing my Major Work, and clarify any changes I feel the need to make.

At this stage, the main difficulties I foresee involve the issue of time management and organization. This will involve self-discipline, and the organising of my own priorities. Thus far, I believe that I have been improving in terms in motivation and organisation, as is evident from the contents of my journal. As I am composing a written project, I have no need to collect materials, except in relation to research data. I do not have a mentor at this stage. For the moment, I plan to utilise my friends, family and teachers in order to assist me in the editing process. As the project progresses, I will assess my need for a mentor.

The commencement of the Extension Two English course has started me on an intellectual journey in which I will be given the opportunity to further improve my writing and research skills, assisting me in other H.S.C courses, and in my tertiary life. Although I am not sure yet how my journey will conclude, I feel confident that I will come out the other side more skilled, informed and better able to articulate my thoughts on the world around me.
So basically it's saying what I plan to do, why I plan to do it (ie link it back to English somehow), how I plan to do it and what I hope to achieve by doing it. I also attached a table plan of what I planned to finish by when. For the record I didn't follow a single deadline on it, and my original idea was quite different to my final product. (read in the showcase thread if you're interesting)


Oct 17, 2004
forget who posted this before but i found this framework to be realy helpful

Quote-make it some quote that is relevant to writing or the writing process. It could be serious and inspirational or of another variety (the one I used last year was "the trick to writing is getting that voice inside your head that says 'thats no good, stupid' to shutup long enough for you to get something down on paper"-Kate Grenville. The one I included in my reflection statement was "What is written without effort is generally read without enjoyment").

Introduction-make it brief and justify your reasons for taking the course and what you hope to achieve by the end of it (growth as a writer and crap like that). Also briefly introduce your medium and loose idea.

Body-In this you will discuss several aspects of your work. Use a seperate paragraph for each.
Medium-Identify your medium and justify why you chose it (i.e. you are strong in this area, or it is an area that interests you)
Idea-Identify the general gist of what you will be writing about, even if it is just the area. Talk about why you chose this, and how your medium will aide in you exploring this idea
Methodology-How you will go about constructing your major work. Include areas such as research (into both the area AND the medium), planning, inspiration, and any mentors or people you will turn to for advice.

Conclusion- Sum up your intentions in no more than 1 or 2 sentences and reaffirm what it is you hope to achieve by doing this course (in different words to what you used in the intro, but make sure you assert that this course is a 'wonderful opportunity to explore your passions and interests')


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
Critical factors for success & key words which conceptualise each stage???

Okay, so my EE2 final proposal is due tomorrow, and I've got everything pretty much down pat, except for the "critical factors for success" part and the "key words that conceptualise each stage".... what sort of things are they after? I know english requires flowery language, but it'd help if they didn't write our assessments using it...

Please help, my EE2 teacher went on hoildays to WA and so nobody has any idea what's going on, and our other teacher has never 'taught' the course before, so he's no use...
Apr 3, 2004
My critical factors for success was the balance between readability and concept. My short story played with some rather complex structure and themes, so I wanted to keep the complexity but at the same time I had to make it easy enough for my audience to understand. You also have to make sure that your work is appealling for your target audience, eg if the language is too basic an adult isn't going to touch it, and if you use words like "syncretic" and "cosmologies" (Thank you James Clifford) most teenagers aren't going to want to touch it without a ten-foot-pole.

As for key words that conceptualise each stage, I think mine was "Brainstorm --> Draft --> Edit --> Re-draft --> Edit --> Redraft (in other words, draft, edit, and re-draft until "I am satisfied") --> Polish. Somewhere in there you have to chunk in some research.

Good luck for tommorrow! Dud EE2 teachers suck... that's all I have to say!


Nov 30, 2004
ARGHH!! Is this your proposal for your 2005 EX2 major work? Cause we only got given the assesment sheet today...but its not due till February :S i'm confused!!


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
Yeah, it's the proposal to my EE2 major work. I dunno why ours was due before the Xmas holidays when everyone else's is due in February.
We didn't even get given a sheet, we got this huge booklet of crap and we were supposed to read it and make sure we knew when everything was due, they didn't even remind us that it was due. Then, on Monday, they're like "make sure your bibliography is annotated", which very few people knew how to do, so we were all running around frantically trying to find a free computer to retype our bibliographies.


Nov 30, 2004
annoted? what the? i think i'll be doing the same at this rate!! so u know what u wanna write about and stuff? i guess it may mean less stress for u later and moer for me...yay...just what i need... how big does the proposal have to be?


Nov 30, 2004
lol change that annoted to annotated....but i still don't know what it means...


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
Your proposal should be about 800 words.... did your assessment sheet give you the structure or a word limit?

(800 words, not including the bibliography that is)
Apr 3, 2004
It varies from school to school.

I think that so long as you actually do "propose what you want to do", then you are fine. :)
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