I too went through a phase of desperately wanting to go overseas to study.
Id like a career in investment banking too

but seriously the competition over there is so much more fierce than it is here
I reckon you should save your money and focus on getting a good degree here and then an MBA/MSF overseas, or getting a job here and then do an internal transfer
1.The money for an undergrad degree is not worth it
2. Citizenship is an issue. Normally banks will always hire a native over international because, its less of a hassle for work visas and also theres more of a probably that a native will want to stay in their own country
3. Also going to a good uni will not automatically ensure a grad banking job. In NYE and the CITY (London) people literally live and breathe banking. The hype is so much more than it is here and therefore it is more competitive.
This person got a masters from a major UK target, (id assume Cambridge, Oxford or LSE) and cant find a job. Seriously its tough!
Spending so much as an international and not end up with an offer sucks so please dont assume just cos you go to a good school you'll end up with an investment banking job.
Anyways good luck with your studies! I admire your enthusiasm and even more so your determination. Someone like you will probably end up ballin anyway so dont put so much emphasis on escaping AUS because if your good enough to succeed there, you're guaranteed to be good enough to succeed here as well.