The research action plans we did were structured as follows:
Issue: Air Quality
Spatial Dimension: (Where it is) Poor air quality is generally centralised around areas of heavy urban or industrial development. The areas most susceptible to declining air quality are usually cities and other heavily populated areas. One such example of this is the declining air quality in the hunter region, where many manufacturing industries, and coal mines exist.
Ecological Dimension: (Human effects on the issue) Declining air quality can be contributed to by a number of things, most of which are directly related to, or caused by, humans. For example, the burning of coal and other fossil fuels, transport, smoking, photo-chemical smog, bushfires and the overgrazing of land.
Processes: (What makes the issue occur) The sun reacts with nitrous oxide & volatile compuounds to form smog. This smog is then trapped in low-lying areas.
Impacts: (The affect the issue has on the following categories)
Environmental - Smog, enhanced greenhouse effect, vegetation and topsoil loss.
Human - Increased allergies, breathing problems, fatigue, long-term health issues, eye problems.
Responses: (what the following groups can do/are doing to help)
Individuals - Reduction of smoking publically, alternate heating (solar etc), reduce aerosol use etc.
Groups - Lobby local/state government for introduction of regulations on aerosol use, try to raise awareness within the community, etc.
Government - Introduce laws/regulations for industries which contribute to the declining air quality etc etc.
Research Action Questions: (things to investigate and what method you can use to do so)
-Do a number of air quality tests within the area, taking some of the readings near the industrial area, and some further away.
-Research the affect this air quality is having on locals living both near the industrial area, and away from it by developing a survey to be distributed.
-Find out what actions council are taking to help prevent or minimise the impact of this issue.
That is one of the reports we did quickly in class for revision on thursday. This was the way we were told to present our geographical research action plans.
Tamaranadine was right in saying that if there is a question on this, you will probably be given the option of picking the one you studied, ie:
air quality
coastal management
land and water management
spacial inequality
waste management.
urban growth and decline
Hope that helps someone.
The structure of these plans do vary. But this was the way we've been taught. Hopefully it will offer some insight rather than confusion!
Good luck tomoz guys!