Many people seem to be worried about what genre theory is, and what they need to write about it. So here is a quick summary (feel free to ask questions, or add your own ideas):
- In ANY essay you should spend 1 or 2 sentences talinkg about Genre in general. I would talk about what genre is, and how it creaties boundries for texts to be written to, which audiences come to expect.
- In a Genre Theory essay you would spend a little more time explaing what genre means, but your focus uis still primarily on the actual Genre you are studying. In the case of Crime Fiction this would mean that you explain the conventions, the subgenre and the typical characters and scenarios. Check the ruberic for you topic for ideas.
- In ANY essay you should spend 1 or 2 sentences talinkg about Genre in general. I would talk about what genre is, and how it creaties boundries for texts to be written to, which audiences come to expect.
- In a Genre Theory essay you would spend a little more time explaing what genre means, but your focus uis still primarily on the actual Genre you are studying. In the case of Crime Fiction this would mean that you explain the conventions, the subgenre and the typical characters and scenarios. Check the ruberic for you topic for ideas.