ASC is my second favourite poem after WSC! So much to talk about. Wowwww HAHAHAHA that is actually insane insight. I'm sure you'll do well for Yeats

how did you find the other mods btw?
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Insane was exactly what I was thinking too. I always go to the weirdest ideas in English, the question didn't let me use it (that's probably a good thing, otherwise the markers would probably have called my school to ask why they let me sit the exam when I was clearly tripping balls) but for mod c I had this weird ass point on how Mark Antony was subtly represented as less of a Roman because his name was Anglicised rather than left in the Latin Marcus Antonius. That was the weirdest argument I threw out in the past two years according the my teacher hahaha (but then he never saw my HSC exam, I was saving so much crazy in reserve haha). I never really studied ASC or Leda in class, we just sort of skipped them, same for The Second Coming and When You Are Old to a somewhat lesser extent. We only every properly studied three poems, the rest we had to do in our free time. I came up with some points about how he used the ottava rima structure to replicate the voice of a child but that was almost all I had, like you I had some notes on everything in case they specified a poem we hadn't properly done (easy for a little poem, a little harder for a full speech though I must admit!). I thought the Mod A question was a little left field, probably didn't discuss context enough. I talked about how technology was considered destructive in the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars for Shelley and how pollution is bad (so deep) for Scott. Mod C was probably the most accessible question, the one that didn't really throw me at all (inspiration for Yeats and individual recognition for Frankenrunner both took me aback a little, I didn't write any practice essays so I guess I wasn't too familiar with how questions are phrased (feel free to think I'm dumb/imprudent here by the way). Overall it was an okay paper, could have been better, could have been worse. I'm really scared about Yeats (partly because I went crazy, partly because I didn't address 'complexity') but other than that I'm hoping I went okay (not going to SR or anything, just want a band six hopefully - a rarity at my school hahaha)