No they dont you homophobic fuck.As do most homosexual men.
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No they dont you homophobic fuck.As do most homosexual men.
Haha settle my precious. I just got confused into thinking this was a make generalized, misinformed statement thread. Can't blame me though really . . . .No they dont you homophobic fuck.
actually we do not translate from translation to translation. We translate from original Manuscripts not from other translationsthe stupid is so thick it hurts:
THE BIBLE WAS NOT WRITTEN IN ENGLISH, stop quoting a translation of a translation of a translation.
Reliable scholars have pointed out there was no word for 'abomination', and that the bible is not at all clear in its condemnation of homosexuality *see debate about non vaginal sex in a biblical context.
You bible thumpers dont even bother to examine the limited integrity of a bastardised book, yet you base your whole world view on it.
*faceplam*actually we do not translate from translation to translation. We translate from original Manuscripts not from other translations
You clearly have not looked into the massive amount of evidence for the bible.
Well, you can only really facepalm for one half of his statement. The bit about translations from original manuscripts is fairly accurate.*faceplam*
oh please be a troll
If by original manuscripts you mean those that survive that are copies of copies produced probably a hundred years or more after the original was written then yes, original manuscripts.actually we do not translate from translation to translation. We translate from original Manuscripts not from other translations
Yes, well we're all aware of how uninformed you are as well.You clearly have not looked into the massive amount of evidence for the bible.
You don't understand Catholicism.So.. whats the point of this thread? Why are you turning against the pope? He is only the messenger.
The bible specifically calls Homosexuals abominations. But like christians usually do, they just chose to ignore what ever makes their religion appear 'less barbaric'.
Atleast the pope is being honest, unlike the rest of the catholic hypcrocrits.
Forgiveness usually comes with the condition that the accused that does not commit the sin again. I asked my religion teacher about homosexuality at my Catholic school once and he said it's a disgusting practice.You don't understand Catholicism.
Catholicism is not about the bible - Catholics don't study it in depth; the focus is on key tenants of morality and how we can apply those in a non religious way to our daily lives.
It's completely unlike Protestantism, where you closely study the bible in order to discover ways to improve yourself and abide by really specific rules in order to become close to God and secure your spot in heaven. I'd even say Protestantism is a pretty selfish religion - where societal benefits are just an externality of being a 'good Christian.'
This is why most Catholics don't give a shit about what comes out of the vatican - we are not bound to what the pope says and we are not bound to what's in the bible.
So what does it mean to be Catholic?
-Love and respect absolutely everyone, regardless of who they are/what they have done... and constantly look for opportunities to apply this (e.g. volunteer work)
-Grant forgiveness for any sin whatsoever (even rape, murder, peadophilia) - this means never condemning anyone for anything
In terms of gay marriage, it is irrelevant whether homosexuality is a sin or not:
-We love all gay people because they are people
-If it is a sin, we completely and continually forgive people for being gay
The bible is simply an aid to assist us to learn how to apply this respect and forgiveness (e.g. prodigal son, loaves and the fishes, good samaritan, how jesus makes friends with crooks and prostitutes)
No thats BS and defeats the whole purpose. Forgiveness is unconditional in the eyes of other people; anyone who condemns homosexuality is not fulfilling their Catholic obligationsForgiveness usually comes with the condition that the accused that does not commit the sin again. I asked my religion teacher about homosexuality at my Catholic school once and he said it's a disgusting practice.
God doesn't forgive. He's quite spiteful. He wipes out entire cities and countries for annoying him in the Old Testament, creates flawed humans and blames them for their own nature that he created and then demands human sacrifice in order to fix the situation. Don't try and pretend he is something he isn't.No thats BS and defeats the whole purpose. Forgiveness is unconditional in the eyes of other people; anyone who condemns homosexuality is not fulfilling their Catholic obligations
If you're referring to God's perspective, you're a bit more on track - forgiveness is granted with the expectation that you have acknowledged wrongdoing and will try not to repeat it... but no human is God so no human can judge/condemn gays while claiming to be backed by a religion
And I daresay gays dont give a shit if God judges them, so its a non-issue (as a] God probably doesn't even exist and b] its doubtful that homosexuality is even a sin)
Lol who gives a shit what your religion teacher says, sounds like a fool
As I said in my previous post, God's forgiveness is conditional and has 2 main conditions:God doesn't forgive. He's quite spiteful. He wipes out entire cities and countries for annoying him in the Old Testament, creates flawed humans and blames them for their own nature that he created and then demands human sacrifice in order to fix the situation. Don't try and pretend he is something he isn't.
How can you believe that god is nothing more than an imaginary creation of the minds of the delusional and yet proceed to put such strict parameters on him(or her). I mean the only place God exists, as far as you're concerned the only place he exists is in our minds yet you are able to define him as a cruel, nasty, vindicative, prejudiced, jealous and proud. You base it clearly on the sacred texts but again you believe the stories of these texts were either lie or the delusional speculation of fools, either way manufactured in their minds.God doesn't forgive. He's quite spiteful. He wipes out entire cities and countries for annoying him in the Old Testament, creates flawed humans and blames them for their own nature that he created and then demands human sacrifice in order to fix the situation. Don't try and pretend he is something he isn't.
well that explains your alcoholism, or does it? :mad1:I was raised a catholic and went to a catholic school, I know more about catholicism than you could ever hope to learn in your lifetime.
Thats Newmnzwell that explains your alcoholism, or does it? :mad1:
some times your such a fucking dickhead.How can you believe that god is nothing more than an imaginary creation of the minds of the delusional and yet proceed to put such strict parameters on him(or her). I mean the only place God exists, as far as you're concerned the only place he exists is in our minds yet you are able to define him as a cruel, nasty, vindicative, prejudiced, jealous and proud. You base it clearly on the sacred texts but again you believe the stories of these texts were either lie or the delusional speculation of fools, either way manufactured in their minds.
What an idiotic thing to say. I am simply requesting that you actually follow and listen to what your Sacred Texts say about him without trying to repaint pictures of disgusting violence with soundbites about love.How can you believe that god is nothing more than an imaginary creation of the minds of the delusional and yet proceed to put such strict parameters on him(or her). I mean the only place God exists, as far as you're concerned the only place he exists is in our minds yet you are able to define him as a cruel, nasty, vindicative, prejudiced, jealous and proud. You base it clearly on the sacred texts but again you believe the stories of these texts were either lie or the delusional speculation of fools, either way manufactured in their minds.
Gee you look really convincing when you ignore the question and just restate your opinion in an even clumsier fashion. Honestly, you're "simply requesting" that people to conform to this picture of religion which you yourself have painted and done so deliberately poorly, so you can then pick at all all the flaws which you put there in the first place. That's pathetic.What an idiotic thing to say. I am simply requesting that you actually follow and listen to what your Sacred Texts say about him without trying to repaint pictures of disgusting violence with soundbites about love.