two friends and myself r going 2 this free hsc workshop thing n i thought i'd let everyone noe about it...
Its at Parramatta and the Maths 'lectures' if dats wat u wanna cal em are on the 23-27 of february 09 from 4pm-6pm
Essay writing workshop is on Saturday 28th 11-2pm. lunch provided
if that convinces u! lol
And theres a legal one on March 12th from 6-7pm.
If u r like me n dnt have anything betta 2 do on those dates n u wanna come you need 2 book with the library cause there's limited spots... the phone numba is 9806-5159
Ohh and if ur gonna go let us noe ay! (i.e. leave comment)
Its at Parramatta and the Maths 'lectures' if dats wat u wanna cal em are on the 23-27 of february 09 from 4pm-6pm
Essay writing workshop is on Saturday 28th 11-2pm. lunch provided
And theres a legal one on March 12th from 6-7pm.
If u r like me n dnt have anything betta 2 do on those dates n u wanna come you need 2 book with the library cause there's limited spots... the phone numba is 9806-5159
Ohh and if ur gonna go let us noe ay! (i.e. leave comment)