im in year 8 going to apply to fort street high school for year 9 and is wondering if anyone can explain to me the topic question and how i can write this into my essay
"Should the human rights records of bidding countries be taken into account when awarding international competitions such as the Football World Cup or Olympics?" .
If anyone has any tips of getting into a selctive school that would be also great. Im also stressing that my recent naplan (yr7) was pretty average and they will probaly not accept me but in advance i had study hard throughout the year earning a good report but feel like i wont get in. thank you if you can reply
im in year 8 going to apply to fort street high school for year 9 and is wondering if anyone can explain to me the topic question and how i can write this into my essay
"Should the human rights records of bidding countries be taken into account when awarding international competitions such as the Football World Cup or Olympics?" .
If anyone has any tips of getting into a selctive school that would be also great. Im also stressing that my recent naplan (yr7) was pretty average and they will probaly not accept me but in advance i had study hard throughout the year earning a good report but feel like i wont get in. thank you if you can reply