no not really i mean there were like a few people...but like idk if you call them friends...but uh

i have only my high school friend to be with during my breaks who does engineering
1) I guess i just feel a little young when i see a lot of old people in my classes and feel isolated

2) my travel time is pretty big that it causes me unable to attend alot of social events, which i dont really mind, but then i guess i do miss the opportunity to meet people
3) im shy and i dont like talking- i mumble everything according to everyone i've spoken to
4) and idk y... but i have a feel that everyone thinks im some azn gangster even when i dont even try or want to dress up like one...hmm...i just hate the mozzies going to be friendless for a while

btw um i know this is a really long shot..but um if your a blonde girl here who lives in gosford and was wearing a green jumper...and had class till 6pm last night and took the train home...and if you remember a fat guy at the back of you carriage...yeh um i think he is stalking not kidding at all...but ur probably not on BoS, but if you are on...then i'll be happy to justify why.