hi, i am currently a first year uts business student. some of my friends are maths and finance students. this semester we have 2 subjects in common (accounting, economics).
my friends who do the course tell me that theyre only doing it as a back-up since they did not get into business but i find it a pretty similar course to business. by completing the bachelor of maths and finance, you do the same subjects as you would if you were to do bachelor of business and major in finance, the only difference is that you do maths and stats subjects instead of introductory marketing, management etc. and dont get a second major.
in terms of social life at uts, it really is how you make it. theres no denying we lack facilities, our only social areas is a ping pong table and some pool tables. however if you know the right ppl, theres always china town, george st cinemas and all of the city to enjoy.