there is heaps of stuff on the pipe...
there is like movies, games, apps, music...its all gud..
also its very helpful aswell if ur isp has its own News Group, which you can use a program called Grabit to get heaps of 'stuff' off it aswell....
basically, there is enough stuff on there to keep my 512 connection busy 24/7
Direct Connect is basically the protocol that u use...basically just need a DC client
i recomend this one ---> Strong DC
and then you connect to the address <--- web site for that addy is --->
for router settings and the like...the OPs on the pipe can help you with setting up. well atleast give you links to help ur is pretty simple...
like i said earlier, ur isp needs to b on this list ---->
I was lead to believe to get either Telstra or Optusbut it seem like these other companies have more cost efficient plans.
Telstra and Optus are just abusing their power and telstra offeres 256/64 for $30 a month, 200mb d/l with an excess of $150 per 1000mb. 12 month contract, $289 with a good modem and line activation, charges UPLOAD DATA!!! not on pipe...has no NGs! ( thats expensive...
Exetel offeres 1500/256 for $30 with a d/l limit of 1gb and chared $3 per 1000mb...6 month contract, $195 with a good modem and line activation fee... btw, FREE TRAFFIC AFTER 12pm to 8am and is on pipe!( (can be $5 cheaper if u have exetel as your long distant preselect)
but the best tool is Whirlpool ...find ur plan here --->
i wish i went with was just they werent 'around' when i joined iiNet in july last year....
but the concern i have with exetel is that it doesnt have shaping, and they charge you $3 for each extra gb that is downloaded.
but u'll know when your've gone over your limit, so you just cut down on you downloads... its only $3 ... i would perfer to be charged $3 then to be shaped....i got shaped a few times..and OMG it SUCKS..dail up slow!!! $3 is worth
I kno ppl who are with exetel....they have no problems with them....more uptime then iinet lol....
my mates just about to sign up too... hes going for the 512/1U plan...
but there is one thing, Telstra is going to change their wholesale pricing of their plans on the 4th of decemeber, yes i kno its a saturday...but yeah, they are apparently going to open up the higher speeds... ditching the 256-512 plans, keepin the 1.5 and using that as entry level...and opening up 2mbit and 3mbit...
but hey, its not the 4th yeah we'll see wont we....