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Fav Bible Quotes/Verses (1 Viewer)


Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
Either way, I laughed my arse off when I showed it to my Christian Studies teacher in Year 12 and she was like "...oh we don't follow those parts of the Old Testament."

Dec 17, 2006
Not-That-Bright said:
I think you'll find alot of that's from Hammurabi's code of laws - I also think it's a terrible idea in practice.
Yeh, eye for an eye is pretty stupid.
Yea I try to paraphrase the principles.
As do the rest of us.:)
Legham said:
Jews are insulted more than christians around here! But i think it might be something to do with everyone already knowing that nobody likes christians, so theres no point insulting them really.. The jews on the other hand, thats a way more radical insult! And they have the added bonus of hitler jokes..
Perhaps you should move to the US, or one of Israel's neighbouring countries, then.

Australia is predominantly white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant (much like the US and UK).

With Hitler jokes, maybe Hitler wouldn't have killed Jews if they didn't leave their homeland and mess up Germany's socio-economical situation (of course they didn't detract from it).
Josie said:
The reason Christianity is being attacked is because Christians are starting these threads to "inform us", not Jews.
If the Jews started a thread on quotes from the Old Testament, I'm sure they'd be getting it too.

Edit: I attack the views of Christians more often than Jews because I've NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER been stopped on the side of the road by a Jew who wants to convert me. So I'm far more respectful to them. Petty, but true.

It's the Mormons/Seventh Day Adventists/Latter Day Christs, Scientologists, and the smaller denominations that will convert you. Mormons will even learn Chinese and other languages, to assist their brainwashing.
Legham said:
Quoted for truth.
Yeh, it often holds true in most samples.
Would you say that theists are misguided by the light of G-d/God, though?

Of course, corrolation never implies causation.


Aug 17, 2006
Kwayera said:
Either way, I laughed my arse off when I showed it to my Christian Studies teacher in Year 12 and she was like "...oh we don't follow those parts of the Old Testament."

Lol, its a story, not some teaching. Saying "we dont follow those parts of the Old Testament" is the wrong thing to say.

You must've caught her by surpise, since that was a pretty stupid thing to say.


Aug 17, 2006
Lucid Scintilla said:
It's the Mormons/Seventh Day Adventists/Latter Day Christs, Scientologists, and the smaller denominations that will convert you. Mormons will even learn Chinese and other languages, to assist their brainwashing.
The Catholic, Angelican/Protestant and Othodox churches, the churches who are able to trace their ancestry to the Apostles, all considers Mormon, Scientologists, etc as sects, not actual Churches.

Funny with the mormons, because they once tried to argue with my dad about the Bible, and he managed to beat them on every point they made, eventually they just left after they had given up. Funny stuff, you had to be there. :)


Everything's perfect!
Nov 24, 2003
I've been stopped by Anglicans and proddies too. So it's not just the churches you don't actually consider as churches.


lengy said:
It's called Halal.
I believe he was quoting the Bible, not the Quran, mate.

S1M0 said:
The Catholic, Angelican/Protestant and Othodox churches, the churches who are able to trace their ancestry to the Apostles, all considers Mormon, Scientologists, etc as sects, not actual Churches.

Funny with the mormons, because they once tried to argue with my dad about the Bible, and he managed to beat them on every point they made, eventually they just left after they had given up. Funny stuff, you had to be there. :)
What is it with you Orthodox churches and the whole 'tracing ancestry' shit? Mark established a church in Egypt, yes. Is it the same church of which you and your father are a part? No.

(Waits for the Blah blah St Mark is the first surviving gospel blah blah blah synoptic problem / two-source hypothesis etc).

Considering how warped your modern church is (and how warped your beliefs are when compared to Jesus' teachings), ancestral patronage is the least of your problems.


Aug 17, 2006
Josie said:
I've been stopped by Anglicans and proddies too. So it's not just the churches you don't actually consider as churches.
Its official that Anglician/Protestan, Catholic and Orthodox churches all do not consider mormons,etc to be actual churches. They are considered sects by the Apostolic Churches (Anglician/Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox)


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
Lucid Scintilla said:
Perhaps you should move to the US, or one of Israel's neighbouring countries, then.

Australia is predominantly white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant (much like the US and UK).

With Hitler jokes, maybe Hitler wouldn't have killed Jews if they didn't leave their homeland and mess up Germany's socio-economical situation (of course they didn't detract from it).
Umm.. i don't see your reasons for me moving to the US or one of Isreal's neighbours.. How will that help? i hate every religion..

Lucid Scintilla said:
Yeh, it often holds true in most samples.
Would you say that theists are misguided by the light of G-d/God, though?

Of course, corrolation never implies causation.
No, not misguided.. I'm all for people living how the bible tells you to (not that i'd waste my time doing it), cause its a nice message.. It's when they believe that god exists that it gets retarded..


S1M0 said:
Its official that Anglician/Protestan, Catholic and Orthodox churches all do not consider mormons,etc to be actual churches. They are considered sects by the Apostolic Churches (Anglician/Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox)
Der, because that's what separates their theological outlook? The Catholic-Orthodox as well as the Post-Reformation religions claim that it's important. The religions that are consisdered 'sects' by the former groups are done so because the former groups view it as a weakness. The latter groups do not -- the reject the whole notion completely.

The most mainstream Christian churches outside of the Apostolic Succession are:

- Methodism: They do not claim Apostolic Succession because they know it's unimportant. I agree with them.
- Mormons: Take the official stance that correct tradition (and, in a sense, Apostolic Succession) is achievable by the individuals themselves. If I was religious, I'd agree with them.
- Jehovah's Witnesses: Take the stance that Apostolic Succession is bullshit because (among other things) the church cannot be totally historically and theologically linked with Peter. I tend to agree with them, although I don't really understand the rest of their thesis.

The bottom line is that you should not pretend that the Apostolic tradition is the be-all-and-end-all, because the central basis of these religious sects is the fact that they reject the Succession itself. The pride of the Apostolic Churches on their link with Peter should flash alarm bells when it comes to their obvious warping when it comes to what Peter did and said.


Everything's perfect!
Nov 24, 2003
PwarYuex said:
Der, because that's what separates their theological outlook? The Catholic-Orthodox as well as the Post-Reformation religions claim that it's important. The religions that are consisdered 'sects' by the former groups are done so because the former groups view it as a weakness. The latter groups do not -- the reject the whole notion completely.

The most mainstream Christian churches outside of the Apostolic Succession are:

- Methodism: They do not claim Apostolic Succession because they know it's unimportant. I agree with them.
- Mormons: Take the official stance that correct tradition (and, in a sense, Apostolic Succession) is achievable by the individuals themselves. If I was religious, I'd agree with them.
- Jehovah's Witnesses: Take the stance that Apostolic Succession is bullshit because (among other things) the church cannot be totally historically and theologically linked with Peter. I tend to agree with them, although I don't really understand the rest of their thesis.

The bottom line is that you should not pretend that the Apostolic tradition is the be-all-and-end-all, because the central basis of these religious sects is the fact that they reject the Succession itself. The pride of the Apostolic Churches on their link with Peter should flash alarm bells when it comes to their obvious warping when it comes to what Peter did and said.
He answered that a hell of a lot better than I would have :)
My point still stands- I've been stopped by all sorts of religious groups, but never by Jews.


Shy Guy
May 23, 2005
S1M0 said:
Christianity, as a religion, is far, far more insulted here, and anywhere, than Judiasm. Hence what i previously said.
One of the most ignorant statements I've ever seen.


Feb 19, 2006
A note on lines such as "eye for an eye," etc

This is a restriction, ensuring that the punitive measure fits the damage from the crime.

umop 3pisdn

Jan 6, 2007
Josie said:
He answered that a hell of a lot better than I would have :)
My point still stands- I've been stopped by all sorts of religious groups, but never by Jews.
I'm pretty sure its part of Judaism to specifically not try to convert people.

Anyway, I normally stay out of these threads, but I have to say that nowhere did anyone say the thread was to "inform" you.

Lucid Scintilla said:
A fav, from Exodus 21:23-21:27:
  • If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. When a slave-owner strikes the eye of a male or female slave, destroying it, the owner shall let the slave go, a free person, to compensate for the eye. If the owner knocks out a tooth of a male or female slave, the slave shall be let go, a free person, to compensate for the tooth.
This, I find, is a joke; it's just inciting an endless cycle of violence and other uncivil behaviour. Religion is, as described by Freud, "the opium of the masses"; most people I know are atheists and apparently atheists are "smarter" (what twits for surmising thusly, those people indeed are).

Matthew 5:38-5:44
  • Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
    And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
    Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
    Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
    But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Figure that one out. I like that it's so contrary to human nature and just about impossible to follow.

I think organised religion as it works now is a pretty crappy concept; I reckon Jesus today would say similar things to the big churches as he did to the Pharisees at the time.

A nice article from today about the whole insulting thing:

Column - Kinder to our Christians

By Andrew Bolt
Friday, April 06, 2007 at 01:45am

MOCKING Christ has not, in years, seemed this childish – even cowardly. And no, I’m not a Christian.

Of course, this being Easter, Christianity’s most holy festival, we’ve seen some of the usual tributes of disrespect from the cultural elite.

While the ABC refused to show the Danish cartoons of Mohammed, for fear of God knows what mayhem, it had no such fear this week of mocking Jesus, whose crucifixion is remembered today.

Its Triple J station held “Jesus, you’ve got talent!” – a talent quest for singing toga wearers and the like, (and did so without the protection of one policeman).

Chicago’s School of Art Institute, meanwhile, displayed an art work showing Christ resurrected as Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama, son of a Muslim-born Kenyan.

And New York’s Lab Gallery unveiled a life-sized Jesus made of chocolate, anatomically accurate right down to his bared penis.

I know, it’s tame stuff given what we’ve seen before.

Who can forget Piss Christ, the crucifix plopped in a jar of urine at the National Gallery of Victoria?

Or the Chris Ofili picture of the Virgin Mary, decorated with cow dung, which the National Gallery of Australia tried to bring in?

Or the ABC’s Christmas special of 1999 – a comparison of the Sistine Chapel’s religious frescoes with the paintings made by hip British artists Gilbert and George of their semen, faeces, spit and blood?


Ask any Christian politician how hard it is now, given the Gulf Stream of anti-Christian bigotry, to discuss moral issues in the media.

Their opinions will be dismissed as the he-would-say-that prattlings of a Vatican parrot or of a nice-but zealot.

Ask Tony Abbott, the Health Minister and a Catholic, whose reasoned arguments on an abortion pill were sniggered away by a slogan on a gloating Greens senator’s T-shirt: “Get your rosaries off my ovaries.”

YET it seems the cheap-shot sneers of intolerant atheists are fewer this year. More muted. And the squawks we still hear seem more contemptible.

It would be no wonder. I wouldn’t be alone in thinking each time an artist or commentator insults Christians: friend, if you’re so brave, say that about Islam.

Show us your chocolate Mohammeds. Show us your Korans dipped in urine.

Where is the singer who will rip up a Koran as Marilyn Manson ripped up a Bible? Or will on television tear up a picture of Islam’s most honoured preacher as Sinead O’Connor shredded one of the great Pope John Paul II?

It’s not as if Islam doesn’t threaten our artists more than does Christianity.

See only the murder of film director Theo van Gogh or the fatwa on writer Salman Rushdie or the stabbing of Rushdie’s translator. Or see those deadly riots against the Mohammed cartoons.

So when I see a Western artist mock Christ, I see an artist advertising not his courage but his cowardice – by not daring to mock what would threaten him more.

I am most certainly not saying that moderate Islam should now be treated with the childish disrespect so often shown to Christianity.

Nor am I saying most Muslims endorse violence, or that there aren’t a few Christians who might turn violent, too.

After all, the chocolate Jesus has been removed from display when Lab Gallery’s boss was bombarded with complaints and even – he claims – threats.

But I am saying that more people now know there is a double standard here illustrated perfectly by the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, which banned acts that told jokes against Muslims but promoted ones that lampooned Christians.

It’s this blatant double standard that may finally have shamed some of the usual jeerers into showing Christianity a little respect.

And perhaps – just perhaps – more of us might be wakening to a truth we too long took for granted. It’s no accident that we feel safer insulting Christians than trashing almost anyone else.

This is a religion that’s always preached tolerance, reason and non-violence, even if too many of its followers have seemed deaf.

It’s also urged us to leave the judgment of others to God (a message I ignore for professional reasons). We are the beneficiaries of that preaching, even those of us who aren’t Christians.

We live in a society, founded on Christian principles, that guards our right to speak, and even to abuse things we should praise.

We can now vilify Jesus and damn priests, and risk nothing but hard looks from a soft bishop, and a job offer from The Age.

We dare all that because we do not actually fear what we condemn. We know Christians are taught not to punch our smarmy face, and we even count on it. Indeed, it is the very faith we mock that has made us so safe.


Feb 2, 2005
lol what thread?

PLs everyone tell us - the verses that you hate the most from the Bible?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
A nice article from today about the whole insulting thing:
I must admit I find alot of the anger towards christianity a tad bit immature. I am as atheist as anyone but I still find meaning and a bit of fun in participating in religious ceremonies. For example, today I did not eat meat and for lent I've given up something...

'Culturally' I'm still a christian, even if I don't believe in any of it.


Shy Guy
May 23, 2005
Not-That-Bright said:
I must admit I find alot of the anger towards christianity a tad bit immature. I am as atheist as anyone but I still find meaning and a bit of fun in participating in religious ceremonies. For example, today I did not eat meat and for lent I've given up something...

'Culturally' I'm still a christian, even if I don't believe in any of it.
A similar topic, my 13 year old sister thinks she's atheist but guess who's complaining about a lack of easter eggs this year?

umop 3pisdn

Jan 6, 2007
bazookajoe said:
A similar topic, my 13 year old sister thinks she's atheist but guess who's complaining about a lack of easter eggs this year?
Something as trivial as religion should not get in the way of chocolate. :D


Feb 2, 2005
Not-That-Bright said:
I must admit I find alot of the anger towards christianity a tad bit immature. I am as atheist as anyone but I still find meaning and a bit of fun in participating in religious ceremonies. For example, today I did not eat meat and for lent I've given up something...

'Culturally' I'm still a christian, even if I don't believe in any of it.
Hugely biased article - had the cartoons on muhammed not happened? you just wonder would such an article ever a turn up. Just maximising everything to getmore people to convert to Christanity. Thats always been what chrisitanity is about - assimiliation and conversion. They are tolerant but they not tolerant inthat they have to go out and try to convert someone.

Sad really such an article exists. The fact religion is personal thing and has to be personal thing. You leave religion at home when you go elsewhere.

-A religion that takes no account of practical affairs and does not help to solve them is no religion.
-All the religions of the world, while they may differ in other respects, unitedly proclaim that nothing lives in this world but Truth.
-Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts.
-I believe in the fundamental truth of all great religions of the world.
-I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
-I reject any religious doctrine that does not appeal to reason and is in conflict with morality.
-My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him.
-One's own religion is after all a matter between oneself and one's Maker and no one else's.
-Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion.
-Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.

>Bible Owned.

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