F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery (3 Viewers)

Lauren x

New Member
Jun 9, 2008
slickstar_01 said:
This just reinforces the idea that you guys that live out in the bush are a bunch of bogan fucks.

And what do you mean by 'this is australia?'

Seriously , stop fucking trolling on bos. Just go waste you bogan time shaging a sheep.
Who do you think you are calling me a "bogan fuck"? Can you not read? I said I grew up in the area, I don't live there anymore. And just because you don't live in a country town you're superior? Give me a break and get over yourself. If you want to appear mildly intelligent at least post a mildly intelligent response.

As for "this is Australia". I mean that if you move to a country it's because you enjoy being in and around that country. Mingling. If you want to move to a country just to create your own niches within the community where you only mix with people from your original country, why bother making the move?

And do you know what trolling means? I wasn't trying to be offensive, and certainly wasn't off topic.


New Member
Feb 15, 2007
:S woah.... well all i have to say is... there christian schools around... soo they must be creating a 'niche'... so whats to stop a muslim school.. or in this case a muslim cemetory? hah if u really want to talk about niche's and how they shouldnt be around... then we should all just accept the fact that there will be a cemetory that has muslims in it... and just call it a cemetory.. and we can have anyone ... cos in the end were all just poeple that need somewhere to rest. ... lets not discriminate .. when u think about it.. any other religion has as much right to have a cemetory there... well since this country wasnt founded by any major relgion.. and the people who owned this country were killed off.. unless the aboriginal community has a problem with it.. i dont see why anyone else should...

lets face it... like i said.. we are all just humans.. so get over the pride over 'my religion' and just see it as poeple needing a space to be layed in peace.


New Member
Feb 15, 2007
Captain Hero said:
You are hideously dumb. It's the law because of their monstrous religion.

Thanks for playing :)

WOW. i can't believe im going to reply to such an intellectually challenged person as you are... but here goes...

the fact that u think all muslims are arab? well it just shows how clueless you really are... you're more than able to express your oppinion on the religion.. but you cannot use ur 'views' as facts... all muslims being arab is like saying all christians are italian ... it makes no sense... or the statement of just because his name sounds arabic.. makes him a future 'inmate' ... well ur a special type of stupid... your so self centred you cannot see what is around you... look up the facts... most 'inmates' are australian in australia.. and the ones that aren't.. the media uses them for ratings... you need to open you're eyes to the truth and the macro world... as for the laws in other countries? well i doubt the religion states "women cant drive cars, its prohibited", no wait, i dont doubt.. i know it doesnt... the fact they are not allowed to drive cars or have less freedom is well upto the country's views and culture..

and just to make it clear.. since ive realised ur a little too retarded ... culture and religion are different things.

oh... and lastly "monstrous religion" ... this religion you are bagging because ur so insecure u need to make ur religion sound better and the best thing since sliced bread ... does happen to state, that if you hurt someone then u are not considered a true muslim, it also believes in harmony, and love...

as for mohamed being god? ok.. Allah is god, which is the arabic word for god... the islamic god does not have a name... and mohamed is a profit ... just as much as we believe that jesus is a profit..

all i have to say is.. your one ignorant fuck head...

and im sorry to say that until you realise that u need a special school you probably wont change..

continue to believe what u wish... BUT dont share.. cos well in the end all that it ends up to be.. is a whole lot off poeple laughing at your stupidity.
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Jul 20, 2006
m3d1na said:
WOW. i can't believe im going to reply to such an intellectually challenged person as you are... but here goes...

the fact that u think all muslims are arab? well it just shows how clueless you really are... you're more than able to express your oppinion on the religion.. but you cannot use ur 'views' as facts... all muslims being arab is like saying all christians are italian ... it makes no sense... or the statement of just because his name sounds arabic.. makes him a future 'inmate' ... well ur a special type of stupid... your so self centred you cannot see what is around you... look up the facts... most 'inmates' are australian in australia.. and the ones that aren't.. the media uses them for ratings... you need to open you're eyes to the truth and the macro world... as for the laws in other countries? well i doubt the religion states "women cant drive cars, its prohibited", no wait, i dont doubt.. i know it doesnt... the fact they are not allowed to drive cars or have less freedom is well upto the country's views and culture..

and just to make it clear.. since ive realised ur a little too retarded ... culture and religion are different things.

oh... and lastly "monstrous religion" ... this religion you are bagging because ur so insecure u need to make ur religion sound better and the best thing since sliced bread ... does happen to state, that if you hurt someone then u are not considered a true muslim, it also believes in harmony, and love...

as for mohamed being god? ok.. Allah is god, which is the arabic word for god... the islamic god does not have a name... and mohamed is a profit ... just as much as we believe that jesus is a profit..

all i have to say is.. your one ignorant fuck head...

and im sorry to say that until you realise that u need a special school you probably wont change..

continue to believe what u wish... BUT dont share.. cos well in the end all that it ends up to be.. is a whole lot off poeple laughing at your stupidity.
well said....

/close thread :shy:

Lauren x

New Member
Jun 9, 2008
m3d1na said:
:S woah.... well all i have to say is... there christian schools around... soo they must be creating a 'niche'... so whats to stop a muslim school.. or in this case a muslim cemetory? hah if u really want to talk about niche's and how they shouldnt be around... then we should all just accept the fact that there will be a cemetory that has muslims in it... and just call it a cemetory.. and we can have anyone ... cos in the end were all just poeple that need somewhere to rest. ... lets not discriminate .. when u think about it.. any other religion has as much right to have a cemetory there... well since this country wasnt founded by any major relgion.. and the people who owned this country were killed off.. unless the aboriginal community has a problem with it.. i dont see why anyone else should...

lets face it... like i said.. we are all just humans.. so get over the pride over 'my religion' and just see it as poeple needing a space to be layed in peace.
seriously...do you not...realise that this is...annoying?...why are you typing like...this? I'm not disciminating against anyone. I was replying to a comment in which I was called a "bogan fuck" which I don't think was solicited.

And I know that "in the end were all just poeple that need somewhere to rest" but I just think this issue has been blown out of proportion and people are attacking others simply for voicing opinions. As for pride over "my religion", I'm an atheist. I choose no religion because it just causes hatred, and there's already enough of that in the world.

So I think everyone just needs to accept that different people have different opinions and move on.
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Will Shakespear

mumbo magic
Mar 4, 2006
Lauren x said:
As for pride over "my religion", I'm an atheist. I hate religion because it just causes hatred, and there's already enough of that in the world.
obviously not quite enough :D


Nov 15, 2005
down under
Lauren x said:
Who do you think you are calling me a "bogan fuck"? Can you not read? I said I grew up in the area, I don't live there anymore. And just because you don't live in a country town you're superior? Give me a break and get over yourself. If you want to appear mildly intelligent at least post a mildly intelligent response.
yes i feel superior.

Lauren x said:
As for "this is Australia". I mean that if you move to a country it's because you enjoy being in and around that country. Mingling. If you want to move to a country just to create your own niches within the community where you only mix with people from your original country, why bother making the move?
I'm sorry but this still doesn't apply. If someone is making a claim of being a land for the free and democracy rules and yet pass laws that are discriminatory or limit a particular segment's freedom, then you can still criticize this hypocrisy.

you make me laugh. So you think 1st generation immigrant Muslims left their countries because they "like the Aussie way of life"? Please. The almighty gold coin is what has pulled people out of their countries. Let's just call it like it is. Economic prosperity or hopes of it is what drives emigration.

Lauren x said:
And do you know what trolling means? I wasn't trying to be offensive, and certainly wasn't off topic.
go fuck yourself.
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Lauren x

New Member
Jun 9, 2008
slickstar_01 said:
yes i feel superior.

I'm sorry but this still doesn't apply. If someone is making a claim of being a land for the free and democracy rules and yet pass laws that are discriminatory or limit a particular segment's freedom, then you can still criticize this hypocrisy.

you make me laugh. So you think 1st generation immigrant Muslims left their countries because they "like the Aussie way of life"? Please. The almighty gold coin is what has pulled people out of their countries. Let's just call it like it is. Economic prosperity or hopes of it is what drives emigration.

go fuck yourself.
And you call me bogan? You're exactly the kind of person this world doesn't need. "go fuck yourself"? Obviously you can't read because you're not really replying to my question or statement. If you're here to insult others give up. This is a thread for discussion about the topic, and I'm not offended by idiots on the internet.


Nov 15, 2005
down under
Lauren x said:
And you call me bogan? You're exactly the kind of person this world doesn't need. "go fuck yourself"? Obviously you can't read because you're not really replying to my question or statement. If you're here to insult others give up. This is a thread for discussion about the topic, and I'm not offended by idiots on the internet.
no i am not calling you a bogan. are you one? anyways,, how about you stfu and debate the point i have made.

Lauren x

New Member
Jun 9, 2008
"obviously not quite enough"

Ha ha very true. Probably should have chosen better words but hopefully you knew what I meant.
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Nov 15, 2005
down under
Lauren x said:
Ha ha very true. Probably should have chosen better words but hopefully you knew what I meant.
i heard in Camden people fuck sheep. im not joking. is this true? like they doggy style the sheep.

Lauren x

New Member
Jun 9, 2008
slickstar_01 said:
no i am not calling you a bogan. are you one? anyways,, how about you stfu and debate the point i have made.
Well you did refer to us as a "bunch of bogan fucks". And no I'm not. Hopefully that's obvious. I'm tired, so if you want me to summarise it here goes. I don't deny or agree that there is racism in the protest of the proposed cemetery. I just think it's gone too far and we as a society need to move on and accept that as long as there are different opinions there will always be debate. Both sides will never be happy.

As for the "almighty dollar" I know what you're trying to say but honestly I hate money. I hate religion, I hate politics. There is little I agree with. I'm not some hippy activist but I cannot stand this world. And this thread only adds to my list of reasons why.
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New Member
Feb 15, 2007
haha, the fact you can only critisize the fact i use ... in my writing is kind of a compliment.. and to reply to that, its how i write, or want to write, so either dont read my posts or be a grown up and ignore it.

and the religion thing is a generalisation... take it as you may :D i proved my point.

Captain Hero

Jul 21, 2008
m3d1na said:
the fact that u think all muslims are arab? well it just shows how clueless you really are... you're more than able to express your oppinion on the religion.. but you cannot use ur 'views' as facts... all muslims being arab
So you deny that Saudi Arabians are Wahhabists? Interesting...

makes him a future 'inmate' ... well ur a special type of stupid... your so self centred you cannot see what is around you... look up the facts... most
You have to be monstrously ignorant if you don't get the bilal joke. Hint: google bilal skaf.

'inmates' are australian in australia.. and the ones that aren't.. the media uses them for ratings...
So the problem is the media and not the people in gaol? What twisted morality is that from? Stop playing the victim.

you need to open you're eyes to the truth and the macro world... as for the laws in other countries? well i doubt the religion states "women cant drive cars, its prohibited", no wait, i dont doubt.. i know it doesnt... the fact they are not allowed to drive cars or have less freedom is well upto the country's views and culture..
Yeah but the fact that they're wahhabists who loathe women seems to be a very important aspect in shaping their public policy. Hint: Catholic countries also tend to outlaw abortion; religion tends to affect public policy, if you don't think this is correct you are absolutely idiotic.

and just to make it clear.. since ive realised ur a little too retarded ... culture and religion are different things.
Shit the bed; really?

oh... and lastly "monstrous religion" ... this religion you are bagging because ur so insecure u need to make ur religion sound better and the best thing since sliced bread ... does happen to state, that if you hurt someone then u are not considered a true muslim, it also believes in harmony, and love...
Yeah pity
a) I don't have a 'relgion' because I'm not a weakminded credulous fool who relies on the vacuous teachings of others to justify my own existence
b) Yeah sure just like christians are anti-hiv but also anti condom use in africa

Religion is a sickening force for evil in the world.

and isorry to say that until you realise that u need a special school you probably wont change..
Hint: learn how to write properly, it might make people take you seriously.

continue to believe what u wish... BUT dont share.. cos well in the end all that it ends up to be.. is a whole lot off poeple laughing at your stupidity.
So I don't have a right to rebut your comments? Yet you have the right to rebut mine?

Nonsense. You're a brainwashed islamic supremacist, no more, no less.


New Member
Feb 15, 2007
Captain Hero said:
So you deny that Saudi Arabians are Wahhabists? Interesting...

You have to be monstrously ignorant if you don't get the bilal joke. Hint: google bilal skaf.

So the problem is the media and not the people in gaol? What twisted morality is that from? Stop playing the victim.

Yeah but the fact that they're wahhabists who loathe women seems to be a very important aspect in shaping their public policy. Hint: Catholic countries also tend to outlaw abortion; religion tends to affect public policy, if you don't think this is correct you are absolutely idiotic.

Shit the bed; really?

Yeah pity
a) I don't have a 'relgion' because I'm not a weakminded credulous fool who relies on the vacuous teachings of others to justify my own existence
b) Yeah sure just like christians are anti-hiv but also anti condom use in africa

Religion is a sickening force for evil in the world.

Hint: learn how to write properly, it might make people take you seriously.

So I don't have a right to rebut your comments? Yet you have the right to rebut mine?

Nonsense. You're a brainwashed islamic supremacist, no more, no less.
HAHA, hmm ok... i made one mistake... instead of "i'm sorry" i wrote "i sorry" yes. typo's happen, get the fuck over it.

i 'rebut' to ur comment because you used your stupidity as facts, for something to be a joke, it has to be funny, and well you sterotyping.. is you just being an asshole. it's not funny.

Yes, my problem is the media, because what the media has 'showed' is not what happens everywhere, lets put it like this, im a Bosnian Muslim, so, that means im not arabic :O WOAH, that must be hard for you to hear, and my name sounds nothing like a muslim name, Bosnia is 90% muslim, and wow, guess what? women are allowed to drive cars, and woah? they always have been? so if religion is such a big contributor to laws? why doesn't bosnia have the same laws and regulations as the more middle-eastern country's?

brainwashed? no... i'm just realistic, and the realistic thing about life is, the sterotypical people like you, are the 'evil' you speak off, uhmmm this might be suprising for you but modern muslim's don't wear hijab's, because it is not law, and dress in which ever way they wish, they blend into the community and no one realises that they are muslim, i personally have to prove it to poeple, so before you go around, talking shit, and insulting poeple and a religion you know nothing about first hand, (googling isnt considered knowledge) you should accept poeple for they're beliefs.

oh and to reply to you're .. "a) i dont have a 'religion' because i'm not a weakminded credulous fool who relies on the vacuous teachings of others to justify my own existence"

i belive in religion not to justify my existence, i believe because it is what gives me hope and faith in times off need, thats not being weakminded, its being human.


New Member
Feb 15, 2007
Oh, and, the Saudi Arabian's being Wahhabists was not mentioned in my post, actually, nothing about Saudia Arabia was... i stated all muslims aren't arabic, which is a fact, and by the way, all muslims aren't Wahhabists.

I, personally am a Sunni muslim... and Wahhabists are a more conservative form of muslims, and yes it started in Saudi Arabia, but how do u know all off them were? you don't .. so stop 'branding' people and sticking them into certain catagories.

Im not doing that to you, i dont care what you dont or do believe in as a religion, because you're religion doesnt define you, its a part of you but doesnt define you,
it affects your views to a certain extent, but it's funny how you go so far to sterotype poeple until they leave the forum because of your bullying, you're 'joke' about an inmate, is bullying..

this is the last thing im going to say to a narrow minded fool such as you,
i feel sorry for you, because even though i dont want you to believe in something i do, im not trying to change ur views, its sad that you cannot allow poeple to think and be what they want in peace, the cemetory, or the school, is just multiculturalism, so just accept that poeple dont see things as 'black and white' as you.

oh by the way, i think you're a fuck head, that needs help, but thats me being truthful.

take this post as you may, only because im over having to defend my beliefs, if you dont want to accept them, its you're loss.


Aug 23, 2007
slickstar_01 said:
listen you dip shit. fucking ganger from livo. your a disgrace to muslims. i srsly still cannot see anything wrong with captain heroes fucking posts. please point it out to me. go suck a dick you ganger.

or wait, do you go to livo girls? go suck a livo boys cock. they are right next door to you.
Your typical Obama supporter, uneducated drivel.

(If you go to the post you'll note the Barack Obama banner beneath Slickstar_01's post, real tasteful. Change 2008. Give me a break.)


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
alexdore993 said:
Your typical Obama supporter, uneducated drivel.

(If you go to the post you'll note the Barack Obama banner beneath Slickstar_01's post, real tasteful. Change 2008. Give me a break.)
ok broheem and mccain supporters are super intelligent descendants from god

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