I do Crime Fiction, but here's two from an ETA paper:
Q7a) "It is not who we fight for, but what we believe in that defines us."
Write an essay in which you evauate the extent to which this is true of TWO prescribed texts and at least TWO texts of your own choosing.
Q7b) "The Cold War is best understood by examining the ways that ideologies and individuals are represented by different texts."
Write an essay in which you evauate the extent to which this is true of TWO prescribed texts and at least TWO texts of your own choosing.
The creative stimulus is an image from
bbalakov's Flickr photostream, of four Lego people raising an American flag.
Q8 Use the image provided as the basis of a piece of writing exploring the relationship between war and depression.
Hope that helps. I'm screwed for my elective so might as well help others