Explanation of HSC Marks (Moderating) (3 Viewers)


Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
ko0l said:
If you read my earlier post, you would see I refered to it on my earlier post and it does not say your moderated assessment mark is someone elses exam mark as you posted earlier.
It also make the point, if you read it fully that your raw assessment marks come into your moderated assessment, not just the rank.

Unlike you said
Your totally wrong "helper" in the way you are saying that the gaps drag you down at school and even during moderation. UAC NO LONGER uses the school rankings and and school median marks and gaps to determine uai.
The external exam is the only way that all students get compared without any bias and marks are compared relatively standard in this way.
From the PDF on that page.

Relative differences (gaps)
Provided the shapes of the distributions of the school assessments and the examination marks are roughly the same, the relative differences (or gaps) between the students’ moderated assessments will be approximately the same as between their school assessments.

Conversion graph
The conversion relating the moderated assessments to the school assessments is given by a quadratic rather than a linear function. This means that the conversion graph is curved (parabolic) instead of a straight line.

The Process of Moderating Assessments
For each course, the school assessments are moderated using a quadratic formula, which ensures that for the students at each school:
- the top moderated assessment is equal to the top examination mark;
- the mean of the moderated assessments is equal to the mean of the assessment marks.
Where possible, the lowest moderated assessment is equal to the lowest examination mark. However, when the distributions of the school assessments and the examination marks have very different shapes the bottom moderated assessment mark is moved either up or down.

So yes the marks are moderated to take into account the difficulty of the course but it is not done just by pegging all marks against someone elses examination mark. Your raw assessment marks are distributed according to the moderation curve of your school for each subject..

The School Assessment marks were originally much harsher (lower) for students in School B than School A, but the performance in the Exam suggests that both groups are similar in ability.
Which I have said all along, when I said the raw assessment marks are statistically moderated, not just ranked against exam marks

The end result is School A and School B students receiving consistent HSC marks.
Yes but not someone elses exam marks

can you see why Anne's moderated Assessment mark is 86 while ben is only 82.
the reason why is Anne receives 86 as moderated assessment mark is because SHE CAME FIRST AT SCHOOL only 60 (UNMODERATED) and therefore she receives the EXTERNAL mark of the highest mark at her school which was achieved by Ben = 86 external.
Yes the first persons is pegged against an external exam mark but no-one elses

THE UAI is a rank not a mark.
realistic example
e.g Why dont you admit it , i have asked many students how well they got scaled and especially take a local example at a Selective School e.g Girraween
A friend who only got average 50% in English Advanced who had bad rankings still scored in the high 93 in English Advanced as their final hsc mark. They looked at their assessment mark as it appeared on the HSC certificate. IT DID NOT SAY 60 OR 70 OR EVEN 50. IT WAS PRINTED 90 because he simply beat lots of people in external + got very high mark relative to the top 4% of state.
That is because their cohorts assessment mark is adjusted statistically against the exam marks. They are not just pegged as a mark against their exam mark.

Another hypothetical, a person goes to school XYZ, they come equal last in their assessment. They obtain 90 in Chemistry.

All the rest of the class obtain in the fifities in the exam. The persons assessment will be in the 50s. This however, won't necessarily be the average of the last two marks.
The mark going towards the UAI will be around 70. An equal weighting from both.

The person with the first assessment will receive 90 for their scaled assessment but 50s for their exam mark, resulting in a similar result.

It is an extreme example but possible.

I have not said that the raw assessment marks are used unmoderated in determining the rank. I am saying the moderation process does not just peg exam marks against ranking.

I am then saying the moderated marks are added to the raw exam marks. The combined mark is then scaled according to how the course cohort performs against other subjects.

A total is then made and rankings of your UAI from there.


Your friendly HSC guide
Apr 12, 2003
I have to say ko0l that you are making quite a few misinterpretations on the processes involved. helper has been pretty much spot on on how it works.

I'll make a more in depth response and explain why that is the case later tonight.


Dec 2, 2005
OK someone please. Just tell me what i want to know.

how is the INTERNAL assessment mark calculated?

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
ok... i feel stupid having to ask for this to be explained again when everyone else seems to get it. but, what happens when you get an exam ranking different to your internal ranking? i mean, if ur coming say, 2nd internally but you top the exam... let me get this right... you get your own exam mark, but you recieve the 2nd exam mark as your assessment mark? or is that wrong? ohhh im confused - coz i thought u got ur assessment mark from the school, not from where you came in the exam. eg say ur 4th, with an internal mark of 88. and u come 4th in the exam and get 75. does that make ur assesment mark 75? coz it was the 4th exam mark? or u get 88 anyway... oh god i dont know. someone explain it, if you dont feel like screaming at me for asking.


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
Re: Explanation of HSC Marks

ok. i have one guy in my chem class who at the beginning of the year gave a shit so he went ok, but as he realised he wudnt need chem he decided to not try for the trial, he got 12/20 his assesment mark is 46 and his trial mark (which contributed to that) was 22... and instead of dropping chem he decides it will look good on his cv...
i know lets bash him later..
but for now...
how will this affect my class and my assesment mark if i'm on 68 and 7/20????


Feb 16, 2006
Random spam link


webby234 said:
If your class is good and competitive, then they'll get good external exam marks and bring your assessment mark up - ie you will get a better mark than if they do badly.

Effectively the system makes it fair for just about everyone, with perhaps the exception of those at the very top and very bottom (and even theyou're likely to get about what you deserve)

read this link and you will realise the spam put by people and their arrogance and their quarreling


Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
I was Wonder how the HSC works because currently im not doing so well even though some of my courses my rankings are like 4th etc but my essessment mark is like 65 etc. And my Principal goes if you do good in your HSC exam The Essessment Mark Wont matter? Im very confused? His like if you are getting below 50s etc and do really well in your HSc you still can go to university?

Re: Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
yeah, if you do really well in ur external exam, ur internal mark (65) will go up.

Re: Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
Your rank is the only thing that is important at this stage - the actual assessment mark your school gives you is largely irrelevant (which is why they aren't meant to tell you). If you are coming 4th, you will get approximately the fourth best HSC exam mark gained by your school as your internal assessment mark. Your external mark is the aligned mark you receive in the exam (note that this is often higher than the mark you get as a percentage).

Re: Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
yere ranks mostly counts, i got 5 1sts

I also now what the physics teacher and maths send off to the BOS

Re: Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
Thanx for the replies Guys. My Rankings Are English 1st, Maths 4th, Business 5th, ITV (No Rankings), Economics 7th. Im worried About My economics Because my Class is fairly small and Very high competition. Im worried i might get scaled down so badily that i wont get into 75s at least.

Re: Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
You can't really worry about things that are out of your hands. You have done your best so far and got the ranks you deserve. Now its time to focus on the HSC exams and show them what you are made of, give it your best shoot.

Re: Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
Originally Posted by sl3epyAZN
Thanx for the replies Guys. My Rankings Are English 1st, Maths 4th, Business 5th, ITV (No Rankings), Economics 7th. Im worried About My economics Because my Class is fairly small and Very high competition. Im worried i might get scaled down so badily that i wont get into 75s at least.

If your class is good and competitive, then they'll get good external exam marks and bring your assessment mark up - ie you will get a better mark than if they do badly.

Effectively the system makes it fair for just about everyone, with perhaps the exception of those at the very top and very bottom (and even then you're likely to get about what you deserve)

Re: Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
If you do well in your HSC exam, the assessment tasks will be pulled up to match the distribution of your school's performance in the HSC exam overall.

Unlike your scenario, I'm a bit worried that my assessment marks would drag me down. Assuming that my rank in the trial exams will be roughly similar to my rank in the HSC exams, that may hold true. My overall assesssment marks and ranks which consisted of results from a variety of tasks, are pretty crap but my trial ranks are relatively much better because for some reason I tend to do better in HSC exam style questions than questions of a practical exam or a research task.....In other words those practical exams/research tasks kinda dragged my overall rank down and theory/HSC style exams are the only thng keeping me from failure......So if I get a higher rank in the HSC exam (i.e. similar to my trial ranks) my lower ranked moderated assessment mark is sooo gonna drag me down.....

Re: Assessment Marks Compared To HSC exam?
ur rankings are good...very good at dis point. dw abt wat mark u get at skoOl as ur skoOl doesnt give u tha skoOl mark. Tha BOS gives u ur final skoOl mark according 2 ur ranking. so yeh, u shuld be fine. teachers dun give u ur skoOl marks even after tha trialz is cos deir not allowed 2 give false hopes which is wat teachers do for a living when dey tell u 2 drop subjects ><

ur ranking looks gooD, u'll be fine for tha HSC goOd luck mate =]
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 12, 2006
just a quick question, i do understand everything thats been said n stuff, but, when i was explaining it to a friend they sed that this is the old system and was changed in 2000 to a more fair system, as people were outraged you didnt get your real exam mark and half of it was based on your rank and therefore someone elses exam mark. so now im confused again, is this the old system or the new system, and if its the new system what was the old system? thanks alot


Apr 24, 2006
umm i havea question
if the average mark for my course is pretty low like 50% and you get total averages of atleast 95% in all your assessment and so on...does that mean that particular subject would scale you up considering that it is a hard subject and so that means you get scaled up high?


Apr 4, 2006
I think that way is outdated... because in some ways, it is not fair.
example using the old way, lets use 5 people.

Fred - 50
Tim - 49
Bob - 48
Joe - 35
Jack - 30

Exams - Lets say everyone has a bad day, except Fred
Fred - 80
Tim - 55
Bob - 53
Joe - 60
Jack - 56

So the moderated Assessments would go:
Fred - 80
Tim - 60
Bob - 56
Joe - 55
Jack - 53

Looks fine, but if you look at the school assessments, in reality, Tim and Bob are very close to Fred in marks, which this method of moderating does not show. I think this is the reason that it was not fair.

This next way, is the way one of my teachers told me it works, to even out that unfairness. This way uses reletive position in school assessment, and the top and middle scores in the exam.

looking back..
Fred - 50
Tim - 49
Bob - 48
Joe - 35
Jack - 30

Taking the top and middle scores, we see how Tim's reletive position to Fred and Bob, is halfway.

Now, looking back at those exam marks, the new way it works out would be...
Moderated Assessment.
Fred - 80
Tim - 68
Bob - 56
Joe - something low (probably in the negatives)
Jack - somehing lower

Now, Tim is back in the right position in relation to Fred and Bob.
That just sucks for Joe and Jack, but if they want to have got better, they could work harder and lift the middle score.
eg. If they all work hard for the exams and get...
Fred - 95
Tim - 90
Bob - 92
Joe - 94
Jack - 89

Moderated Assessment
Fred - 95
Tim - 93-4
Bob - 92
Joe - 75-80ish maybe
Jack - 70-75ish maybe

Combine their exam and moderated assessment, and Jack and Joe will be in the 80s.

The moral of the story is: Who cares about moderation, just make sure you and at least half your class works hard for the exam and you'll be safe as long as you have worked hard during the year.
I guess the only people who wont benefit are those who work hard, but just arent smart enough :(


Your friendly HSC guide
Apr 12, 2003
The current system does take into account of the relative marks between each student.


New Member
Jul 19, 2006
hey, i was just wondering, i think that there is going to be a big discrepancy between my exam mark and assessment mark, i.e. did really, really well in assessments and prob about 10-15 (even 20) marks less in the exams. my ranks are also good. What will be the affect on my moderated assessment mark? how will that impact everyone else?


New Member
Oct 13, 2005
hey what if, your teacher may be biased etc.? So your already are at a major disadvantage?


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
hey ... i read through this whole thread and sort of got the idea of how the marks are calculated. And now .. i have i question of my own.. in my school we have a ridiculous year of only 30 students .. which made me think ... as most of our classes have less than 10 students and not only that .. physics has only 1 ... in this case of havin one student in class .. how does the board actually moderate the assessment mark of that one student ... by theory they just get the average right? cuz i cant think of any other way that they can do it


Premium Member
Nov 12, 2005
eedd said:
hey ... i read through this whole thread and sort of got the idea of how the marks are calculated. And now .. i have i question of my own.. in my school we have a ridiculous year of only 30 students .. which made me think ... as most of our classes have less than 10 students and not only that .. physics has only 1 ... in this case of havin one student in class .. how does the board actually moderate the assessment mark of that one student ... by theory they just get the average right? cuz i cant think of any other way that they can do it

A couple of years ago I had one student in Extension History and his exam mark also became his assessment mark (most unfair in that subject in my opinion as his project was very very good but he had a shocker of an exam).

I regularly have ten or so students in my classes and they get moderated the same way as bigger classes.

May I point out that with the moderation process it is not just a simple matter of giving out the exam marks as assessment marks.

The top and bottom exam marks become the top and bottom assessment marks and after that the total number of remaining exam marks earned by the group are divided up among the rest of the class taking into account the relative mark differences between the candidates.


Dec 13, 2005
When moderating assessment marks do the board of studies take into account the gap between internal assessment marks?

For example, if at one school the top student (Bob) was assessed at 98 and the 2nd student (Harry) at 89 and they both got an exam mark of 90;

Bob: Assessed at 98, exam: 90, HSC mark: 90
Harry: Assessed at 89, exam: 90, HSC mark: 90

Both would get a HSC mark of 90. Now that's not really fair considering how far Bob was ahead of Harry in the internal assessments!!

Surely the top student would have to be rewarded in some way for th large gap in their internal assessment marks????


Active Member
Oct 13, 2005
Entangled in the fabric of space-time ...
In that case, Bob would receive a assessment mark of 90, and thus get a HSC mark of 90, however, they do take into account the gap in internal assessments between the people in course, and would moderate Harry's assessment mark accordingly.


New Member
Sep 27, 2005
OK ! I have officially announced myself a bimbo because Ive read this entire thread and i still dont fully understand how this whole HSC marking system works. Its beyond my comprehension so ill get straight to the point and ask my question. Sorry for everyone who might be thinking god this question has been asked a million times. Please excuse my lack of understanding lol . ok
lets say a person does really BAD in their assessment tasks and have around the bottom rank for pretty much all their subjects up until after the half yearlies...is it too late achieve a high rank in their subjects if they work their butt off from here on even if theyve done most of their assessment tasks and only have approx 1- 2 for each subject left and the trials..and if their rank remains low or in the middle would doing REALLYY REALLY WELL in the hsc exam boost their overall mark or is their really no pointt even bothering because theyll just be givving their mark away to the person with the top rank. this is hurting mii brainn :bomb:

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