can you give us an example for like a three/four marker from HSC last year I just want to see it in action

How do you stop whatever you're writing from sounding like disjointed random techniques one after the other??? I feel like I just go:
THESIS/ATQ. The metaphor of "quote" demonstrates ATQ. Similarly, the natural imagery of "quote" reflects the blah. The author's simile "quote" does this.
And that's it.... we don't need concluding "Hence this and this" statements... right?
To stop it sounding disjointed, maybe add linking words like additionally, furthermore, however, finally, before some sentences (not all though). Also if the sentences are long enough they will naturally not sound disjointed. E.g. The symbolic act of quote demonstrates B, that results from C (link back to question).
This is an example from my trials last year.
Note: This is an awful response. Not only have I completely misinterpreted the text and it’s message (covid-19), there is a grammar mistake, lines that I don’t think make sense if you read them enough times, and honestly was utter bs I conjured up on the spot.
However, it was enough for full marks.
- I was specific and answered the question in the first line. “Powerful language…shared experience of…”
- Had at least three quotes and techniques to support my idea I stated in the first sentence.
- I integrated my quotes into my sentences.
- I made sure the marker knew I was answering the specific question in the end. “As a collective shared experience”.
- I filled up all the lines.
I can give some more examples from my trials if you want but I think as long as you do what they want you to do, it should be fine. I just wanted to show you a response that’s not perfect, not at all good, but was enough to get full marks.