ENGG1800 Exam (2009):
Memory is a bit off now, here is what I recall.
6 questions (2 per section), answer 4, at least 1 from each section:
1. Discuss hydogen economy and sustainable energy production
2. Calculate moles, mechanical, electrical energy and efficiency from a set of given times and volume of hydrogen.
1. Discuss Bernuolis equation and forces on plane, prosthetic hip and something else
2. Describe how a differential works, how a car suspension works, draw an electrical circuit diagram from a given description (battery, LED, transistor, resitor)
1. This part had a question from each of the 3 groups who did Civil.
So there was a question exactly the same as the tutorial on determining if a tower would fall over, and another on the density of some concrete block. I dont recall the third question exactly.
You only had to answer one of these.
2. Draw a critical path diagram, gannt chart, and answer a question on if it was appropriate to adjust resources to save cost.
It was not as involved as the tutorial work on this topic.
Even though this course sucked hairy balls, the exam was appropriate to the content covered in tutorials.