So I decided to pull an all nighter for English tonight as I've left my memorising of my quotes/anaylsis very late bcoz of Paper 1, was just wondering if this will affect my memory tomorrow in the exam cuz I've heard that not sleeping impacts your memory or something
And yeah I know I procrastinated

don't burn me abt it
dont do this.....
look at your essays today and tn and DONT STRESS YOURSELF OUT
if you start feeling that shitty anxiety of impending doom and start speeding up memo to just try 'do it' - leave the situation - go for a walk and get some fresh air
at this point, you may not get all your quotes ready - and that will be okay. you know your essay ideas, so just try elaborate as best as you can
get at least 7-8 hrs sleep and if you get up early enough (say two hrs before the exam), head to school early, find a quiet corner, and go over your essay
as annoying as it is there's probably not much you can do outside of this, and sleep is king - you don't want to do this to yourself, trust me