can anyone explain the unemployment gap( deflationary gap) ?
im not 100% sure, but the deflationary gap is where supply is greater than demand with the keysian model ( aggregate demand) AD= C +I +G +X-M and supply is S= C+T +S ( i think, not 100% sure)
when graphed, the deflationary gap is the region where the AD line is below the S line ( im not sure if its relavent but the supply line makes 45 degree angle with positive x axis, ie, has gradient 1).
Quite simply, its just a case of the laws of demand and supply, when supply is greater than demand, the price decreases to reach equilibrium ( prices decreases --> deflationary), hence the name.
unemployment in this case doesnt not nessarily refer to unemployed people, it refers to just unemployed resources ( e.g. factories)