IBP tutorial for the first two weeks haha
Haha yes Billy

To be honest, that was the worst decision of my uni life. I shouldn't have changed classes. My new tutor was horrible and she marked like a b****!
I got like ~HD for everything until the final group assignment and not sure about the exam. My group consisted of one international student who didn't contribute at all, one person who tragically dropped out of uni prior to handing the assignment, one YOLO dude and this hard working law/business student. We applied for special consideration (due to one kid dropping out) and our tutor ignored it. She gave us a low 17/25 for 48 pages of decent group work articulated by me and this law/business student. The feedback was horrible; pessimistic in taste and read:
"Group 4
To take your work to the next level you need to work towards writing with best practice in mind. For example you should try and move away from using the word ‘this’ to start a sentences. You need to write with more clarity and direct purpose. What is “this”? What does “this” mean? If you would like help with your writing I suggest that you see ELSSA as they provide free help. The university also hold free writing courses that can help you develop your academic writing.
You need to make sure that you take the time to read over your work for silly mistakes. There are some silly mistakes and clumsy sentences that could easily be avoided and fixed if you could take the time to read through the report word for word.
Pg 3: Multiple surveys was conducted with a sample number of mothers aged from 30 - 55 to accumulate valuable information.
Should read:
Multiple surveys were conducted with a sample number of mothers aged from 30 - 55 to accumulate valuable information.
Firstly, you have not referred to the correct terminology, second, Suburban Mothers in this case is a name used to describe a target group of people. For this reason you should use capitals.
While this is a report, you must remember that it is still academic work and you must reference and use literature to support your claims and justify why you have chosen particular things for your business.
In order to take your work to the next level, you need to try and move towards the use of more critical literature, this includes the use of scholarly refereed journal articles."
I compared our results with that of other groups and/or students and it appeared that we were marked harshly. With 19/25 being the highest and getting selected for the competition in our class. Out of the 48 pages, she could only criticise us on ONE particular sentence which wasn't reviewed properly. I emailed Melissa (IBP Course Coordinator) explaining our circumstance, and after 2 weeks of debate, she finally agreed to review it – never done before in recent times. The new result was 18.5/25 and her feedback read:
"Whilst the overall business concept is not overly unique there are novel aspects of this business proposal that suggest elements of innovation in terms of the overall business model. The market research whilst limited is well convinced and could be scaled to a larger sample. The particular appeal of this concept is in the marketing channels and this seems timely given the recent populism surrounding celebrity chefs. The mainstream target strategy seems well suited to the target audience. The overall rationale for the concept in relation to the wicked problem is sounds, but could reach deeper into the literature and published reports in this area. The costing fits within the scope of the brief and the limitations of this are acknowledged. Overall a well written and conceived report that does a good job of positioning a somewhat innovative solution to the wicked problem. 18.5/25)”
Melissa is the best and she even agreed with our vision and arguments