You need a deck of cards and booze. Each person has to try and guess what the card the are about to be dealt is and must take a certain number of drinks based on how wrong they are. If they guess wrongly about the number, colour and suit, they must take three drinks. If they get one right, they take two, and if they get two right, then they only have to take one. If they correctly guess which card it is, the dealer finishes their drink. Once one round has passed, the second person bcomes the dealer. Named after the scene in Maverick where Mel Gibson wills a card into being the one he needs in a game of poker.
Fucked by the Bus (like Pyramids if you've played it, but has an extra way to get wasted)
Again, all you need is booze and a deck of cards. On the first round, players have to guess if their card is red or black. On the second, they have to guess if it will be odd or even. On the third they have to guess if it will fall between the two cards they already have or outside them. And on the fourth they have to guess red or black again.
Fifteen cards are then dealt out in a pyramid shape. The cards are turned over one at a time and everyone compared the four cards they have with it. If you have one of them, you are able to award drinks to other people (but you lose the card). The bottom row can award one drink to a person, the next row is two drinks, and so on until the final card on the top row, which is five drinks.
Players then compare their remaining cards and whoever has either the most cards left over or the highest value of card (you have to decide beforehand) gets Fucked by the Bus (I don't know why it's called this). All the cards are gathered together and the person who gets fucked has to go through the first stage of the game again: red or black, odd or even, in or out and red or black. Every time they guess wrongly, they have to drink, the cards are removed and it begins again until they get all four right. If you go thorugh the deck, shuffle them again. Once they get it right, the game begins anew.