does ur school rank really affect ur mark? (1 Viewer)

Sep 11, 2008
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now i know what all of u r gonna say: that u can still get a good mark even if u r at a low ranked school but im beginning to doubt this theory. u see im the top student at my school which is currently ranked 657. i studies heaps for the SC n was getting 95+ in almost all of my internal exams. somehow i only managed to get low band 6s n mid band 5s in the SC even though it was way easier thenany of my internal tests. i practised all the past papers n got like 97+ in each of them. the top student in yr 12 followed the same study routine as me. she went hard out n practised all the online papers. we started studing at like the beginning of the year so we didnt cram anything. somehow the top yr 12 girl only managed to get like low band 5s in all of her externals even thoguh she was getting high band 6s in all her externals. her uai estimate was 98 but her actual uai was just 90. now this is absolutely ridiculous. i remmebah that she got 98 in her bio trial but got about 81 for her hsc. n i remmebah that i got 99 in my internal for math but only got bout 91 for the SC. I'M ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT THESE WERE N'T ARE MARKS! my suspicions r this: the board of studies is evil...

i believe that they scaled mine and the yr 12 girls marks down cause they intend to keep our school dumb. in 2007 we got all like the best SC n HSC results eva. there were like heaps of band 6 in math/science etc. during the middle of the year our head teacher for math left n he was replaced by one of the staff members. he was a great head teacher n it was largely due to him that our schpool achieved high band 6s in math. but at the end of the year the BOS wanted to approve him to see if he were an apt head teacher so he had to go to some interview. all the math teachers thoguht he was gonna be approved but he wasnt for some unkown reason n the BOS transferred him to another school n replaced him with the WORST head teacher in the world. this lady's dumb n doesn't have a clue of what shes doing. she doesnt have a clue of how to teach n always gets the answers wrong. she vever blames anything on herself but always blames it on the students n the staff. n this dumb ass is absolutely aoyal to the BOS. once i asked her a 3 unit math question when i was in yr 10n she went the BOS doesnt permit teachers to teach yr 11 stuff in yr 10. I SWEAR ITS NO WONDER Y THE BOS PICKED HER! IF ANY1S GONNA BRING MY SCHOOL DOWN ITS HER! she doesnt like any of the smart kids n only likes the dumb kids. she tells kids who got like 40 in math to do 3 unit.we've gotten the worst eva hsc results cause of her. my school dropped from 580 to 657.

i think the BOS wants the schools to stay in about the same position every year. some of u might say hey but my school went from 200 to 70 but i think the BOS does that cause they want to avoid suspicion from any of the schools. i mean the BOS always favour the top schools. i reckon they like usually scale the bottom school's mark down cause they intend to keep them dumb. sometimes they prob dont do thatto stop there propoganda from looking fishy.

so what do u guys think of my theory?
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Oct 28, 2007
digimonstudent said:
now i know what all of u r gonna say: that u can still get a good mark even if u r at a low ranked school but im beginning to doubt this theory. u see im the top student at my school which is currently ranked 657. i studies heaps for the SC n was getting 95+ in almost all of my internal exams. somehow i only managed to get low band 6s n mid band 5s in the SC even though it was way easier thenany of my internal tests. i practised all the past papers n got like 97+ in each of them. the top student in yr 12 followed the same study routine as me. she went hard out n practised all the online papers. we started studing at like the beginning of the year so we didnt cram anything. somehow the top yr 12 girl only managed to get like low band 5s in all of her externals even thoguh she was getting high band 6s in all her externals. her uai estimate was 98 but her actual uai was just 90. now this is absolutely ridiculous. i remmebah that she got 98 in her bio trial but got about 81 for her hsc. n i remmebah that i got 99 in my internal for math but only got bout 91 for the SC. I'M ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT THESE WERE N'T ARE MARKS! my suspicions r this: the board of studies is evil...

i believe that they scaled mine and the yr 12 girls marks down cause they intend to keep our school dumb. in 2007 we got all like the best SC n HSC results eva. there were like heaps of band 6 in math/science etc. during the middle of the year our head teacher for math left n he was replaced by one of the staff members. he was a great head teacher n it was largely due to him that our schpool achieved high band 6s in math. but at the end of the year the BOS wanted to approve him to see if he were an apt head teacher so he had to go to some interview. all the math teachers thoguht he was gonna be approved but he wasnt for some unkown reason n the BOS transferred him to another school n replaced him with the WORST head teacher in the world. this lady's dumb n doesn't have a clue of what shes doing. she doesnt have a clue of how to teach n always gets the answers wrong. she vever blames anything on herself but always blames it on the students n the staff. n this dumb ass is absolutely aoyal to the BOS. once i asked her a 3 unit math question when i was in yr 10n she went the BOS doesnt permit teachers to teach yr 11 stuff in yr 10. I SWEAR ITS NO WONDER Y THE BOS PICKED HER! IF ANY1S GONNA BRING MY SCHOOL DOWN ITS HER! she doesnt like any of the smart kids n only likes the dumb kids. she tells kids who got like 40 in math to do 3 unit.we've gotten the worst eva hsc results cause of her. my school dropped from 580 to 657.

i think the BOS wants the schools to stay in about the same position every year. some of u might say hey but my school went from 200 to 70 but i think the BOS does that cause they want to avoid suspicion from any of the schools. i mean the BOS always favour the top schools. i reckon they like usually scale the bottom school's mark down cause they intend to keep them dumb. sometimes they prob dont do thatto stop there propoganda from looking fishy.

so what do u guys think of my theory?
Your theory is highly individualistic meaning that your theory only applies to your own situation & condition.

And I will say this again: no, school does not affect your mark. There are 100+ threads dedicated to this issue and be rest assured that school rank doesn't affect you. The reason why you got those marks despite being the top student at your school perhaps suggests that your school is indeed quite poor that the top mark at your school is about few band 6s and band 5s. But don't worry, School Certificate is a poor indicator of your future performance. I can guarantee you that. I myself got many Band 5s (low band 5s) and low Band 6s as well. But I have worked hard during my prelim and at the end of yr 10 to make up for my poor results. Now, I am doing quite well.

EDIT: Reading your theory over again makes me laugh. No, that's not true. BOS is quite fair and if I were actually BOS (and assume that BOS is totally unfair) I would try to take down the James Ruse's dominance. And it's not BOS that puts the schools in that order. It's the newspapers that put them in that order (calculating the percentage of Band 6s).
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Sep 11, 2008
lyounamu said:
Your theory is highly individualistic meaning that your theory only applies to your own situation & condition.

And I will say this again: no, school does not affect your mark. There are 100+ threads dedicated to this issue and be rest assured that school rank doesn't affect you. The reason why you got those marks despite being the top student at your school perhaps suggests that your school is indeed quite poor that the top mark at your school is about few band 6s and band 5s. But don't worry, School Certificate is a poor indicator of your future performance. I can guarantee you that. I myself got many Band 5s (low band 5s) and low Band 6s as well. But I have worked hard during my prelim and at the end of yr 10 to make up for my poor results. Now, I am doing quite well.

EDIT: Reading your theory over again makes me laugh. No, that's not true. BOS is quite fair and if I were actually BOS (and assume that BOS is totally unfair) I would try to take down the James Ruse's dominance. And it's not BOS that puts the schools in that order. It's the newspapers that put them in that order (calculating the percentage of Band 6s).
well can u provide a reason y the girl with an estimate of 98 ended up getting 90?( dont say she bombed up lol) i saw the thread in which u posted up ur SC marks namu. u got 95+ in everything except computers n english.

recognise this message namu:


(Band 6)Math: 99
(Band 6)Science: 98
(Band 6)Geography: 96
(Band 6)History: 95


Computing: 80
(Band 5)English: 81 (I came to Australia 3 years ago, what do you expect?)
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Oct 28, 2007
digimonstudent said:
well can u provide a reason y the girl with an estimate of 98 ended up getting 90?( dont say she bombed up lol) i saw the thread in which u posted up ur SC marks namu. u got 95+ in everything except computers n english.
Yeah, so I DID get Band 5s, didn't I? And 95 isn't that high too. I should have said mid-band 6s.

And about your school girl who got 90 UAI with 98 UAI estimate, maybe the estimate is totally wrong. It happens quite occassionally. I don't know how she got estimated, I am fairly certain the estimating procedure is wrong.

And think about it, estimate is only an estimate. It's never really supposed to be accurate. If you put some marks on this forum asking people to estimate, it's really only an estimate. My friend got estimated to get 96 UAI but ended up with 99.90 UAI. So you never know.

And yes, I must say that she must have bombed out. It happens quite alot. My friend was "estimated" to get around 48/50 but got 46/50 and that's a huge difference for 3 unit results considering that if it becomes something out of 100, it's 4 marks difference. On top of that, I kept getting around 90-93 in my maths exams at school but I ended up with 100 in HSC. Doesn't that explain something? Some people can argue that BOS is unfair but it's not. It's called an aligning procedure.

Think about it, someone at some random school might be tested some really difficult exam which is even harder than HSC and some other guy at other school might be tested on easy exam.

But let's say A got 90 at his school and 99 in HSC. And B got 99 at his school and 94 in HSC. So who is smarter? Is B smarter because his average is higher? NO! A is certainly smarter because he got 99 in exam where B got 94. And in this context, school exams are meaningless because both got tested on different scale! That's basically my point. You got estimated about 97 from your school report but in school certifcate (which might have been higher) you got much less because it was prob harder.
Sep 11, 2008
lyounamu said:
Yeah, so I DID get Band 5s, didn't I? And 95 isn't that high too. I should have said mid-band 6s.

And about your school girl who got 90 UAI with 98 UAI estimate, maybe the estimate is totally wrong. It happens quite occassionally. I don't know how she got estimated, I am fairly certain the estimating procedure is wrong.

And think about it, estimate is only an estimate. It's never really supposed to be accurate. If you put some marks on this forum asking people to estimate, it's really only an estimate. My friend got estimated to get 96 UAI but ended up with 99.90 UAI. So you never know.

And yes, I must say that she must have bombed out. It happens quite alot. My friend was "estimated" to get around 48/50 but got 46/50 and that's a huge difference for 3 unit results considering that if it becomes something out of 100, it's 4 marks difference. On top of that, I kept getting around 90-93 in my maths exams at school but I ended up with 100 in HSC. Doesn't that explain something? Some people can argue that BOS is unfair but it's not. It's called an aligning procedure.

Think about it, someone at some random school might be tested some really difficult exam which is even harder than HSC and some other guy at other school might be tested on easy exam.

But let's say A got 90 at his school and 99 in HSC. And B got 99 at his school and 94 in HSC. So who is smarter? Is B smarter because his average is higher? NO! A is certainly smarter because he got 99 in exam where B got 94. And in this context, school exams are meaningless because both got tested on different scale! That's basically my point. You got estimated about 97 from your school report but in school certifcate (which might have been higher) you got much less because it was prob harder.
harder? how can SC be harder? we did all the online papers n were getting 97+ in them. we printed out the syllabus n made sure we knew everything. i find it really difficult to believe that we bombed up. its more easy to believe that the BOS scaled r marks down. i mean who evah haerd of a smart kid who went to a dumb school n got a good uai?
Sep 11, 2008
-Anfernee- said:
digimonstudent, why are you going to a shit school that's ranked 657?

That's academic suicide.

It's going to be very hard for anyone at that school to get 98+.
yah well i came to australia a couple of years ago n had to get into a school quickly. so i had to get into the dumb school. i applied for all the selective schools but they refused to let me in cause even though my grades were high i didnt have any awards from going well in competitions( my school is really uncompetitive n rarely ever hosts any competitions).


Jun 28, 2008
just change schools.. ranked 657? I thought there were only like 600 schools in the state.

Isn't it obvious by now that shit schools are scaled down, why on earth would all those smart Asian parents be working so damn hard to send their kids to the best selectice and private schools if all schools were scaled the same.
Sep 11, 2008
lyounamu said:
Yeah, so I DID get Band 5s, didn't I? And 95 isn't that high too. I should have said mid-band 6s.

And about your school girl who got 90 UAI with 98 UAI estimate, maybe the estimate is totally wrong. It happens quite occassionally. I don't know how she got estimated, I am fairly certain the estimating procedure is wrong.

And think about it, estimate is only an estimate. It's never really supposed to be accurate. If you put some marks on this forum asking people to estimate, it's really only an estimate. My friend got estimated to get 96 UAI but ended up with 99.90 UAI. So you never know.

And yes, I must say that she must have bombed out. It happens quite alot. My friend was "estimated" to get around 48/50 but got 46/50 and that's a huge difference for 3 unit results considering that if it becomes something out of 100, it's 4 marks difference. On top of that, I kept getting around 90-93 in my maths exams at school but I ended up with 100 in HSC. Doesn't that explain something? Some people can argue that BOS is unfair but it's not. It's called an aligning procedure.

Think about it, someone at some random school might be tested some really difficult exam which is even harder than HSC and some other guy at other school might be tested on easy exam.

But let's say A got 90 at his school and 99 in HSC. And B got 99 at his school and 94 in HSC. So who is smarter? Is B smarter because his average is higher? NO! A is certainly smarter because he got 99 in exam where B got 94. And in this context, school exams are meaningless because both got tested on different scale! That's basically my point. You got estimated about 97 from your school report but in school certifcate (which might have been higher) you got much less because it was prob harder.
hey some1 with a brain like urs could have easily gotten high band 6 in computers n english if u were just came to australia earlier n followed ur dad's example of being a computer pro.


Apr 25, 2007
I got band 5 in everything in the SC, and look at my uai. So yeh, don't worry about SC too much.


Oct 28, 2007
digimonstudent said:
harder? how can SC be harder? we did all the online papers n were getting 97+ in them. we printed out the syllabus n made sure we knew everything. i find it really difficult to believe that we bombed up. its more easy to believe that the BOS scaled r marks down. i mean who evah haerd of a smart kid who went to a dumb school n got a good uai?
I have heard some amazing stories over the years such as Nathan Compton who got 100 UAI from St Gregory.

And it's just not very common that people from school ranked 500+ end up doing well because most academic people just move to different schools that are ranked higher and they cannot really take advantage of the smart form from their school so it is of course quite rare.

And SC can be harder than your school exams. And you may not have fulfilled the syllabus properly. May be your answers were poorly structured/worded. May be, you were not really good enough on the exam day. But I will tell you this, your results seem good. You got few Band 6s and Band 5s, that's amazing. I know that you aren't satisfied and feel bitter about all this matter, but you really shouldn't take much care in this matter. There is much harder and more important exam to come called HSC. Leave your sc results behind now and get back to succeeding in HSC which really matters. No body cares about your sc results anyway. It would be stupid to mention that mark over and over again when no body actually cares about it.

AND I don't understand your "theory". How can BOS just make your perform worse? When markers mark your papers, they don' know your school, your name or other details. They just mark it so there is hardly any prejudices. So please feel assured that you are safe from such cheating practices. And as I said, school rank is NOT determined by BOS. It's all these newspapers that make it.
Sep 11, 2008
-Anfernee- said:
just change schools.. ranked 657? I thought there were only like 600 schools in the state.

Isn't it obvious by now that shit schools are scaled down, why on earth would all those smart Asian parents be working so damn hard to send their kids to the best selectice and private schools if all schools were scaled the same.
hey many parents dont even know bout the scaling process. my parents didnt know bout it till i told them but they didnt believe me n said i was just making excuses for my shit SC marks. the reason y asian parents wanna send their kids to good schools is cause of competition. if ur in a school full of smart kids who challenge u ur likely to study more n more but if ur in a school full of dumb kids who're lazy ur more likely to turn into them.


Tryhard Geek
Aug 8, 2005
You can get a good UAI/TER in a poor school. I went to the 7th worst school in South Australia and got 96.35 (okay not like getting 98+ but still it shows that if you work hard, you can achieve a lot).

I think the way things are marked would account for the difference. I experienced it myself doing SACE, I found that a lot of my school teachers had different marking schemes to SSABSA (SA's BOS). SSABSA were much more rigorous and wanted very specific points whilst many of my teachers were like " You have the general idea, full marks". It was only the teachers who had been SSABSA markers at some point who made sure the marking scheme was correct and I found that with those markers what I averaged over the year is exactly what I got at the end of the year for my SACE.

I also think that if you are a remotely promising student in a poor performing school, then you get overrated. My school had an average TER of about 50 and because I was a hard worker, I thought I was always overrated. I was deemed to be some super student when I was sitting back thinking that I was just willing to apply myself because I really wanted to get into engineering and wasnt out getting drunk every weekend and having sex with strangers.


Noob pharmer
Sep 6, 2005
big island
digimonstudent said:
harder? how can SC be harder? we did all the online papers n were getting 97+ in them. we printed out the syllabus n made sure we knew everything. i find it really difficult to believe that we bombed up. its more easy to believe that the BOS scaled r marks down. i mean who evah haerd of a smart kid who went to a dumb school n got a good uai?
Why wud u even study for the SC?
its so pointless lol

I have a friend who went to a school that was ranked in the 600's as well and previous dux has gotten 99.95, 99.00, 97 over the past few years
Sep 11, 2008
lyounamu said:
I have heard some amazing stories over the years such as Nathan Compton who got 100 UAI from St Gregory.

And it's just not very common that people from school ranked 500+ end up doing well because most academic people just move to different schools that are ranked higher and they cannot really take advantage of the smart form from their school so it is of course quite rare.

And SC can be harder than your school exams. And you may not have fulfilled the syllabus properly. May be your answers were poorly structured/worded. May be, you were not really good enough on the exam day. But I will tell you this, your results seem good. You got few Band 6s and Band 5s, that's amazing. I know that you aren't satisfied and feel bitter about all this matter, but you really shouldn't take much care in this matter. There is much harder and more important exam to come called HSC. Leave your sc results behind now and get back to succeeding in HSC which really matters. No body cares about your sc results anyway. It would be stupid to mention that mark over and over again when no body actually cares about it.

AND I don't understand your "theory". How can BOS just make your perform worse? When markers mark your papers, they don' know your school, your name or other details. They just mark it so there is hardly any prejudices. So please feel assured that you are safe from such cheating practices. And as I said, school rank is NOT determined by BOS. It's all these newspapers that make it.
my teacher told me that after the markers mark it they put the marks in a computer n then the computer does something to it(makes mine worse). dont be so sure that every1 will forget bout ur SC marks. all my teachers/ parents expected me to do well n i failed. that really upsets them. the kids in my school r the biggest smart assess evah. if i dont get 95+ in a test they come up n keep teasing me about till the rest of the year. i try to ignore those dumb assess but sometimes i just resort to fighting them. these kids get so annoying n there so hateful. u cant imagine how annoying they r. :chainsaw:


Noob pharmer
Sep 6, 2005
big island
digimonstudent said:
well can u provide a reason y the girl with an estimate of 98 ended up getting 90?
lower ranked schools tend to set easier exams.


<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
Deltan said:
lower ranked schools tend to set easier exams.
I agree, or they don't teach their students to structure their answers properly in some cases.


Prophet 9
Aug 6, 2008
its because at lower schools u dont knnow where u rank at compared with the state, especially if ur first, u think ur decent compared with the state but actually ur not because the rest of ur school is really bad,

theres no scaling down bad schools just to keep hem down, its fair, because those "bad schools" usually sit easier tests and their assessment marks will be 90 while in "better schools" they're tests will be harder and they'll be getitng a 90 but in fact they are a lot better than the other student...

M@ster P

Feb 9, 2008
digimonstudent said:
my teacher told me that after the markers mark it they put the marks in a computer n then the computer does something to it(makes mine worse). dont be so sure that every1 will forget bout ur SC marks. all my teachers/ parents expected me to do well n i failed. that really upsets them. the kids in my school r the biggest smart assess evah. if i dont get 95+ in a test they come up n keep teasing me about till the rest of the year. i try to ignore those dumb assess but sometimes i just resort to fighting them. these kids get so annoying n there so hateful. u cant imagine how annoying they r. :chainsaw:
how unfortunate, look you are obviously paranoid, you are accusing BOS to be evil because as you mentioned you had all these expectations to do well and you feel you didn't. Bottomline forget about SC because seriously it means nothing, it was made for the students who left in year 10 so they could have some sort of recognition that they completed year 10, and if that's not you then SC means nothing.
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Active Member
Nov 14, 2006
Digimonstudent, IMO don't flatter yourself that the BOS is taking your marks down to keep your school at a low rank, your school is at a low rank because of your marks. (well not your marks personally, but you know).

My school was ranked 535th last year, 531st this year - a certain teacher expected to get '10 band sixes' in his class but didn't get a single one. It reflects the quality of the students (not able to achieve, not knowing how to achieve), the teaching (in this particular case it wasn't really an issue though) and the assessments (too easy).

I think it's just a matter that the top schools know how to get their students to achieve in the HSC, while others just don't (hence poor assessments/preparation and estimated UAIs). I'd like to think that if I went to a higher ranking school I would have been better prepared and able to achieve more, but I think my UAI (while not that great compared to so many people on this forum) proves that you don't have to go to a high ranking school to get a good mark!

I just found that so much of it was myself (except for maybe one or two subjects) getting there rather than my school - although I'm sure this must be the same for even people at James Ruse.


i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007

You get what you deserve.

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