I think once again you're misguided, my little dim-witted buddy.
I used scientific theory to prove my belief about a 'God' a 'Deity' if you would like. If you would like to disprove it then go ahead, but as of now it is to my understanding that the first law of our universe which was energy was created by a supernatural entity. (disprove me).
Not really, I claimed that your incredibly homophobic comments about a website that was critical of your religion showed your issues with freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
I could prove more adequately that the extremely racial and 'imbecilic' suggestions that the author of that website made was anti freedom and infact attempts to coerse people to his belief system that 'Islamic leaders' are a cult which are trying to 'milk money out of it's believers', that statement is absolutely absurd as most religious leaders give their money to the poor and dedicate their lives to simplicity.
Because of course 'freedom' is equal to homosexuality. I don't even need to refute this, your idiocy stands strong and tall by itself
Did I every argue that they should not have freedom? I have the right to think that homosexuality is a negative and by suggesting that the owner is of the website is a negative does not necessarily mean that I think homosexuals don't deserve freedom. I'm infact 'utilising' my freedom of speech (which is only implied and not supported by law), by using those remarks to the owner of the website. It does not suggest that my religion is anti-freedom but I can understand how an imbecile such as yourself could make that connection.
Because of course criticizing a small percentage of the extreme islamic society is racist. It's not racism when you taunt the jews and attack them, but it is racism when I attack a bunch of maladjusted imbeciles? Surely you of all people would understand the double standard here.
I think I explained quite adequately my issue with the 'Jewish population' in their overwhelming public support of the death of Innocent children and elderly and women. I guess you don't see a problem with this since you're an atheist and to you things such as the soul have no importance. Life is a completely natural state according to you guys so I guess it loses it's spirituality. I'm pretty sure an imbecile like you would be happy to see the genocide of the entire Islamic populous. It's also pretty common for people such as yourself to try and 'suggest' that other religions are false without considering them. (as I've said the spaghetting monster is bullshit and proved it pretty adequately)
The theory is why should I believe in your God when I can believe in many others. The economics of Religion are a serious business
I never suggested you do, you suggested my 'God' is false and I challenged you. I even supplied evidence to why 'God exists'.
and in this field I think Islam is seriously lacking. People vote with their souls these days, and it appears the Spaghetti monster is beating out Allah
You're such an idiot, more people convert to Islam every year then the entire ammount of 'Atheist People' which exist in total.
It's obvious why an idiot like you would support the judging of a religion by an insignificant ammount of extremists within the religion and try to make judgements based on that. (Because you're an idiot, you'd need no other reason). Also, I suggest that you look into my suggestion of religion and scientific relations with examples before you judge me as one of those who state "God can do all that because he's God" the "7-Day, unconditional" people.