Actually there is very much reason to belive in God. In Christianity, belivers, or those who are saved are chosen by God. (Somewhere in 1 or 2 Corinthians in the Bible. No idea where.)
The fact is that He choose some people, and not others which is irrational by our logic. Those who He chooses to save are rejuvinated by the Holy Spirit, which is why I really belive. (The doctrines in Christianity are vary hard to explain so I recommand you going to a church.)
Also believing in fairies is complete absurd

,(I noe it seems hypocritical) but however Angels of the Lord is complete rational. The beliefs in entities other then human beings comes back to the creations of God, as written in the Bible that Angels are real. Wheres I belive in Angels and Demons, I fail to believe the flying spagetti monster, because in no where does He tell us that he created a flying spagetti monster.
PS: Are you trying to annoy me by using "SHE"??