This thread's tangent is ridiculous.
I suggest everyone review the
Forum Guidelines before continuing to post within this thread, particularly Section 1, 3 and 4.
Also, please go back on topic. Try to identify the difference between discussions of religious criticism between the existence of God.
You must regard everyone as equal. You must not disregard arguments of others simply because they are different. You enter these forums in a discussive mode, not to freely assert your ideas and insult those who critique it.
Your posts should not assume the knowledge of your 'opposition'. I have seen this from both sides of the argument in this thread. If your 'opponent' has no understanding of the topic, please
inform them. By saying that they do not have knowledge and refusing to 'explain' the knowledge is victimising the person out of the debate. You have no right to do such a thing. If someone insults you, please report it, rather than retaliate. It will only continue to escalate, and this thread is an example of this.
You must back your statement up and be prepared to defend it when critiqued. It is not because you need to prove your argument to "convert" others but proof is the fundamental element of an effective argument. It is also the way in which these forums work. If you are not prepared for such a thing, this forum is not for you.
There have been good arguments in the past whereas both sides found common ground, or respected each other's justification. So it is not always about conversion or proving that you are correct. For more information on ways of arguing effectively view this thread on
Politics and Arguments Guide.
If you see someone that creates a post that is content free, non-school like or abusive, please report in to Moderators. Every moderator will be able to see this post and deal with it accordingly. Also, you are able to appeal on a moderator's decisions this way.
Yes, unfortunatley this forum is without a main moderator, and for that reason I am reluctant to ban, although from here on, I will not hesitate to do so. Surely you are able to self-moderate and differentiate what is acceptable and what isn't.
Deletion of inappropriate posts in the last 2-3 pages will come shortly.