For my work below; the book provides 1+2e^(-x) as the answer.
If I simply re-write the initial problem with -dx on the RHS, and y-1 in the denominator of LHS I will get the same answer. But why doesn't it work otherwise? Or it does and I can't see why?
Where is my working out wrong? (mind you, Ik there is some unnecessary working regarding the constant: A. please ignore it)
This has been happening consistently to me with this topic.
Thanks in advance!

If I simply re-write the initial problem with -dx on the RHS, and y-1 in the denominator of LHS I will get the same answer. But why doesn't it work otherwise? Or it does and I can't see why?
Where is my working out wrong? (mind you, Ik there is some unnecessary working regarding the constant: A. please ignore it)
This has been happening consistently to me with this topic.
Thanks in advance!