Well-Known Member
Hey dragonboy96, beetree1 & community,
I'm so, so sorry that you felt cut by how that phone call went down. I think I know exactly which profile and school we're talking about and which admin staff member you spoke to. We've been snowed-in by work, have had a lot to get through improving our organisation and systems before this year starts and I know the person you spoke to is the loveliest person you could ever meet and it would never have been her intention to be rude to you. We've all just been flat-out.
I sincerely apologise that we couldn't help you, but I'd much rather you be a little disappointed at the start, as opposed to us making promises we couldn't deliver on, which I'm sure you'd agree would be a far worse outcome for you.
We don't exclude schools because they're 'good' or 'bad'. This is a very popular myth that'll continue to spread (and I'm fine with it - all publicity is good). Some of my favourite students go to Cheltenham Girls, which is a school we've always accepted. Two of our best admin staff went to Delta as Cheltenham students during their HSC. We take certain schools because each school has a different assessment schedule where in English, there is huge variation between assessment forms (e.g. multimodal vs. in-class essay) and for certain schools even - different orders through which they progress through modules.
We simply can't take all schools for the huge variations in the above whilst also maintaining a high standard of engagement and meaningful improvement in our students' enjoyment of literature and results in English. I've provided three samples of our records below (dates might be off a little) of some of our schools' assessment structures where you can see Grammar does modules totally out of order, whilst there are differences in assessment types between Cheltenham Girlls and BHHS (as well as differences in dates).
With respect to the 2019 controversy: you can search through earlier posts and thread from myself and from searched topics on the internet. All the allegations are false. Delta pays its staff members extremely well.

I'm so, so sorry that you felt cut by how that phone call went down. I think I know exactly which profile and school we're talking about and which admin staff member you spoke to. We've been snowed-in by work, have had a lot to get through improving our organisation and systems before this year starts and I know the person you spoke to is the loveliest person you could ever meet and it would never have been her intention to be rude to you. We've all just been flat-out.
I sincerely apologise that we couldn't help you, but I'd much rather you be a little disappointed at the start, as opposed to us making promises we couldn't deliver on, which I'm sure you'd agree would be a far worse outcome for you.
We don't exclude schools because they're 'good' or 'bad'. This is a very popular myth that'll continue to spread (and I'm fine with it - all publicity is good). Some of my favourite students go to Cheltenham Girls, which is a school we've always accepted. Two of our best admin staff went to Delta as Cheltenham students during their HSC. We take certain schools because each school has a different assessment schedule where in English, there is huge variation between assessment forms (e.g. multimodal vs. in-class essay) and for certain schools even - different orders through which they progress through modules.
We simply can't take all schools for the huge variations in the above whilst also maintaining a high standard of engagement and meaningful improvement in our students' enjoyment of literature and results in English. I've provided three samples of our records below (dates might be off a little) of some of our schools' assessment structures where you can see Grammar does modules totally out of order, whilst there are differences in assessment types between Cheltenham Girlls and BHHS (as well as differences in dates).
With respect to the 2019 controversy: you can search through earlier posts and thread from myself and from searched topics on the internet. All the allegations are false. Delta pays its staff members extremely well.

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