Cronulla Beach Incident (1 Viewer)


Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village
Spyrax said:
Better aye? Mate, 18-20 year old leboz are owning yous. QUOTE]

i am neither leb nor anglo-aussie

dont say 'yous'

i am of middle-eastern appearance and if i go out and get bashed by aussies id still be saying the same thing because im not a biased little retard.

how the hell can you say that the aussies are being the immature ones, don't you watch the news? look at all the bullshit lebos are doing

we have one event, they go crazy and get all insecure and have 100000

they are making this biggest than it has to be, now that is fucking immature and scummy.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
The 5000 Australians physically assaulted people, then the response from the lebanese was extreme.... However now what is going on with the churches, and muslims denying that it is the lebanese instead claiming that it is christian australians.... It sickens me.


Come to Daddy
Nov 8, 2004
Central Coast, NSW
Considering how much muslim leaders still fail to condemn islamic terrorism, it's not all that surprising. Most muslim leaders have been tip-toeing around acknowledging their own faults for a long, long time... Can't really say different for most denominations, because they never want to tear a divide in the followers.

Still, in this case it's obvious enough to amount to all out stupidity.
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Nov 9, 2005
hiphophooray123 said:
Spyrax said:
Better aye? Mate, 18-20 year old leboz are owning yous. QUOTE]

i am neither leb nor anglo-aussie

dont say 'yous'

i am of middle-eastern appearance and if i go out and get bashed by aussies id still be saying the same thing because im not a biased little retard.

how the hell can you say that the aussies are being the immature ones, don't you watch the news? look at all the bullshit lebos are doing

we have one event, they go crazy and get all insecure and have 100000

they are making this biggest than it has to be, now that is fucking immature and scummy.
They are both immature. You are biased, you are saying its just the lebos, but its the aussies too.

sly fly

Nov 29, 2004
Not-That-Bright said:
The 5000 Australians physically assaulted people, then the response from the lebanese was extreme.... However now what is going on with the churches, and muslims denying that it is the lebanese instead claiming that it is christian australians.... It sickens me.
What does it matter who did it........whether they were leb or aussie, they're obviously sick in the head


Nov 9, 2005
nathan, Why you asking me that question for? I have a right as anyone else to ask questions?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
sly fly said:
What does it matter who did it........whether they were leb or aussie, they're obviously sick in the head
Of course it matters, why else would people be claiming it is not the lebanese?
They are trying to paint their own ethnic group in a positive light, trying to coat over the objective truth because it taints the ethnic community they identify with, and therefore them.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
Let's apply a little bit of common-sense reasoning here , shall we ?

You have two groups of people , settled on different lands .

One group , called for convenience Group A , develops a culture and religion incompatible with the modern world .

Another group , let us call it Group B , develops ( or inherits from somewhere ) a culture which fits in with modernity and its realities .

Now some people of A , due to fundamental human nature , want to go to the place the B live , because they think that that place is better .

B allow some A to come to their land , and welcome them with open arms , even telling them that they could keep some of their old ways alive .

But the A , coming from an incompatible culture , feel that they have "won out" over B , but know that they have actually lost , and so has their culture . This leads to resentment of the very people who have them a chance .

The same problems that A culture caused in A-land cause problems in B-land .

After suffering from this for years , the B who are affected directly decide - enough is enough . The situation is already tense , and the brutal beating of a fifteen-year-old lifeguard is too much for the B to stomach .

There ensue riots , where the B give vent to their feelings . This is regrettable , because then they allowed themselves to become as bad as the A . This , however , provokes a far more violent backlash in the inherently ( or rather , culturally ) violent A .

Tell me this - it was the A that made A-land a hell . What makes you think that they will not do the same when they go to B-land , specially when they keep their old ways , the same ways which forced them to flee their own land ?

As the ancient Greeks would put it - if you let barbarians into Greece and let them believe that they can keep their barbarism and still be Greek , then Greece shall become a barbarian land .


Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village
Spyrax said:
They are both immature. You are biased, you are saying its just the lebos, but its the aussies too.

i fucking know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know all about bias dont you dare try and tell me im biased lol.

both sides are at fault

but im thinking in terms of a scale and which sides bad deeds outweigh the others.

2 Dea

New Member
Nov 24, 2005
North Sydney
This was posted on another forum, by a reliable source.

My father is mates with a police officer who works at North Sydney. I was planning on going to Subbies this Friday with some mates to celebrate getting our HSC results back, and dad was worried about it etc understandably - so he had a chat to this mate of his.

The police officer told him that he strongly recommends I don't go into the city at all. In the Cockle Bay/Darling Harbour area alone since Sunday, there have been 43 reported bashings including women - a woman was also stabbed. The reason this isn't in the media is because the media have been told by the government of NSW to stop reporting any incidents, for fear it may incite more violence. Originally the media was blamed for inciting alot of what has been happening, so they have been told to tone it down a lot. It is still happening however. Whilst the police can prevent mobs in some places, they can't patrol every street - there have been people jumping out of cars and attacking people walking along the street in places around my area such as Castle Hill, Ryde, etc.

As ridiculous as it is, I think I am going to change my plans for the weekend. I would never ever have dreamt I would have to worry about something like this, but Darling Harbour and the surrounding area is clearly a dangerous place to be at the moment.

I urge anyone who plans on going into the city on the weekend to perhaps think twice about it - or at least take extra care.

So, seems the bashings and so on are still in full force, just not being publicised. And from what I've been told, evidence proves this. What I've heard of so far today:

Fight involving 20-30 Australian men, Middle Eastern men and cops in Campbelltown.

Middle Eastern men jumped out of a van and assaulted two Australians in Cronulla.

Not 15 minutes ago, guy with an Australian flag on his ute was being followed by 5 carloads of ME men (cars had the numberplates covered) around Blakehurst (heard this on the police scanner).
The riots that happened last Sunday were inevitable, as eventually those people who were offended and embarrased by the actions of the minority of Middle Eastern youths would snap. But how could those people who protested not expect the violent retaliations that they received? The tactics of ME gangs is to smash and move on or to gang up on someone then move on. They arent so stupid as to hang around at a scene of a crime, or to go into a fight where the probability of them winning is not good.

But these riots would never have started up if the media had not sensationalised and overexposed the stories from the start. Most to blame would be talk back radio, which specifically aims at causing as much controversy as possible to boost ratings.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
you cant exactly blame the media, the problem exists and who cares if they are flogging the dead horse, its the truth... finish what they started i say, so much reporting and headlines over an sms leading up to "the cronulla sunday" and then so much headlines about "Race hate" when it explodes, but now with ME men taking it way fucking further than a meagre 7 or so assults that happened at the beach

[ and they made it into such a big fucking thing, like in Europe a soccer game with only 7 assults is classed as a well behaved crowd, with the word"riot" being used when hundreds of people are assulted and an entire city trashed sort of thing. i was suprised that CNN took interest at all and called it riot, "disturbance" seems mroe appropriate given Americans background]

, and there is minimal reporting... like people need to know what these fucktards are doing and the media [ for the most part, talkback radio is still doing their job] is not letting people know, like ive had arguements with people over cronulla, and they have no idea whats been happening... they are all like " YOU IDIOT DONMT U KNOW 7 INNOCENT PEOPLE WERE ASSULTED!" and iam all like " dude, in 1 hour alone Middle-eastern men bashed, stabbed and assulted over 40 innocent people just walking in the street, and totalled a further 100 cars just because they didnt like the suburb" like yeah lets get some prespective here
muslim casulties: in the tens aussie casulties: atleast 100
so who is being more violent? why is the media posting images of aussies attacking people and not the violence caused by lebs?

like with events on that sunday heres what happened
5000 people protested about gangs, a few people get violent and less than 10 innocent arabs get bashed

then sunday night a few hundred lebs go on a fucking rampage, bash atleast 100 people, smash the shit out of every window and damage property and total over 100 cars

you would expect the bigger event to be on the front page wouldnt you? i.e the rampaging lebs that was ten times worse

front page? a white guy beating on one of the few lebs who got injured [ and he was probably the fuckwit that stood in the sandbox and invited the crowd to come fight him, saying something like "bring it on you aussie fucks"]

i am blaming the media, but not for starting this, iam blaming them for presenting a biased and racist view against the australians, i blame them for not doing their job and reporting on enws that people need to know and i blame them for creating a sensation that went on international news and gave australia a bad rep --- all over an event that people overseas wouldnt understand because it is very context related, and only someone living in sydney or a rearby suburb would understand both sides... to the outside media it make it look like all of australia hate every other race, instead of 5000 people protesting against gang violence.... a protest that many in L.A would sypathise with [ haha i made a funny]

if the media did their job, there would be more public backlash, i condem our premier because i beleive he is telling the media to dampen it down, i condem him for not doing his job and looking after our cities and for not facing the issues at hand, instead of focusing elsewhere [such as new riot laws ffs] he is ignoring the issues of gang violence.

arguably the biggest news in Sydneys history is happening with gangs rampaging through sydney causing the most damage EVER seen in sydney, on a scale so large that its asif we had our own London bombings, or even worse longon fire [ which engulfed over half of london] and the media is not reporting....

wakeup and report this shit before someone dies [ oh wait, when that happens it probably wont get reported either

this whole situation reminded my grandmother of an incident that happened around 30 years ago
2 men kidnapped this guys wife, staked her out and tortured her over a very long time [ sorry for sketchy details i dont know for how long, or how they tortured her] and finally killed her... now the thing is that the media was ordered to never report on this, and 30 years later with the murderers goibg for parole, Alam jones [ thats his name right] despite knowing what happened, still cant report what they did and still cant say why he thinks they should never be released... its fucked, we need some public outcry about both these events and the government is not informing us [ about the woman though, iam not going to leave everyone in the dark, jones lives in jambaroo so iam gonna find his address and ask him personally what happened, he isnt allowed to report what happened, but there is no law against telling someone i guess]

sly fly

Nov 29, 2004
Not-That-Bright said:
Of course it matters, why else would people be claiming it is not the lebanese?
They are trying to paint their own ethnic group in a positive light, trying to coat over the objective truth because it taints the ethnic community they identify with, and therefore them.
Yeah but I meant it shouldn't matter


A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
The reason this isn't in the media is because the media have been told by the government of NSW to stop reporting any incidents, for fear it may incite more violence. Originally the media was blamed for inciting alot of what has been happening, so they have been told to tone it down a lot.
ok im being crazy now, but maybe this could be why the girl who died wouldnt have been put on tv even if it was true?


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
bshoc said:
Let's apply a little bit of common-sense reasoning here , shall we ?

You have two groups of people , settled on different lands .

One group , called for convenience Group A , develops a culture and religion incompatible with the modern world .

Another group , let us call it Group B , develops ( or inherits from somewhere ) a culture which fits in with modernity and its realities .

Now some people of A , due to fundamental human nature , want to go to the place the B live , because they think that that place is better .

B allow some A to come to their land , and welcome them with open arms , even telling them that they could keep some of their old ways alive .

But the A , coming from an incompatible culture , feel that they have "won out" over B , but know that they have actually lost , and so has their culture . This leads to resentment of the very people who have them a chance .

The same problems that A culture caused in A-land cause problems in B-land .

After suffering from this for years , the B who are affected directly decide - enough is enough . The situation is already tense , and the brutal beating of a fifteen-year-old lifeguard is too much for the B to stomach .

There ensue riots , where the B give vent to their feelings . This is regrettable , because then they allowed themselves to become as bad as the A . This , however , provokes a far more violent backlash in the inherently ( or rather , culturally ) violent A .

Tell me this - it was the A that made A-land a hell . What makes you think that they will not do the same when they go to B-land , specially when they keep their old ways , the same ways which forced them to flee their own land ?

As the ancient Greeks would put it - if you let barbarians into Greece and let them believe that they can keep their barbarism and still be Greek , then Greece shall become a barbarian land .
Well said dude.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
veterandoggy said:
serius, just give it a rest.

maybe because the lebs arent doing it when there are cameras around :rolleyes:?
*sigh* allright, i just get easily frustrated

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