snickerdoodle said:
First off, if I hear the word "wog" being thrown anymore, I will strangle someone. Don't you dare call myself, my family and a large portion of my friends "wogs". Lets get something straight: If I, of Greek descent, call a friend with a foreign background a "wog", it is done in jest. If someone on the street (particularly an anglo-saxon) turns around and calls me a "wog", they will be on a recieving end of a bitch slap. It's a derogatory term that highly offends me and pretty much everyone I know. I'm an Aussie, my friends are Aussie, and the fact that we speak another language doesn't negate that.
Everyone needs to get over it. Do you know how many times I've experienced the shit that dickheads dish out when I'm at the beach, or shopping, or in public in general? You think that brawling is going to stop this? The fact that those kind of men are disusting scum is not going to change. They are nothings. Insignificant loudmouths that crave attention, which people should STOP giving them. Let the police handle it. You feel threatened? Go to a higher authority. All this BS is just getting in the way of the 99% of people who just want to get a tan and swim a little.
wow congrats for being from another country and seeing yourslef as an aussie, now if every migrant felt the same way we wouldnt have a problem. i like greeks yet i dont like wogs... but greeks used to be called [ and still are sometimes] wogs... i didnt used to understand this
so i asked my dad about it, afterall he was around during all this immigration stuff that was happening.... he said it went something like this: first off everyone called foreigners wogs as a derogitory term, so it ment like you came from greece, croatia, italy, middle-east etc.... then its like they learned that some wogs were good, like integrated well[ he made friiends with many people i.e greeks and italians he initially had a problem with] and they enriched our culture with fine foods, arts, music, language and the like... so the dilema was that they used to call the people they are now freinds with wogs... so it was like the term wog came to have two meanings,
1. a friendly person with parents or is a direct migrant from peaceful countries such as greece and italy, and other countries that itengrated well e.g croatia, serbia and a minority of arabs e.g lebanese,
2. a hateful term used to describe foreigners unwelcome in our country
so my dad said he came to use the term wog as a term of endearment with his friends and as a hateful term for those other dickhead types
the fact that some people may call you a wog does not mean that the rest of us think of you as a type 2 wog [i.e a dickhead] you consider yourself an aussie which proves my point completely... i hope type 1 wogs dont hate me when i say i hate most wogs, i am mainly aiming my hate and resentment towards those dickheads who prey on others, have an iq less than 70, and think that they are real gangstas[ when in reality if they ran into a real gangsta from Compton they would probably shit their pants]
now moving on..
who is as excited about tomorow as i am? i hope some lebs get the shit beat out of em